Bachelor of Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Kokkola NCTS24K
Group NCTS24K will start their studies with orientation on Monday 26.8.2024 on Talonpojankatu Campus and online.
Monday 26.8.2024
- 9.00–9.15 Classroom 256: Greetings from the Rector
- 9.15–9.55 Classroom 256: Presentations of the teaching staff and student tutors, Study programme at a glance
- Ms. Yue Dong, student counsellor Anna Klemi
- 10.00–11.30 Classroom 086: Centria’s IT systems and enrolling to studies
- Mr. Jyri Mäkelä
- Lunch break
- 12.30–14.00 Classroom 256: Presentation of the study program, courses and the timing of the studies
- Ms. Yue Dong and Ms. Jana Holm
- Break
- 14.15–15.00 Classroom 132: Living in Kokkola
- Integration Specialist Sofia Behluli and Welcome Office
- 15.00–16.00 Classroom 132: Meet and Greet (only on campus)
Tuesday 27.8.2024
- 8.00–9.00 Room 102A: Registration at student services
- 9.00–9.50 Classroom 256: Getting to know one another
- student tutors and teacher tutor
- 10.00–10.45 Classroom 132: Studying in a new cultural environment
- Ms. Julia Björklund
- 10.45–11.30 Classroom 132: Special Education Teacher’s info on workshop and Language Teacher’s info on language studies
- Lunch break
- 12.30–13.15 Classroom 256: Getting to know Centria facilities
- teacher tutor Mrs. Yue Dong and student tutors
- 13.15–14.00 Classroom 256: Recognition of Prior learning and introduction of independent review material
- teacher tutor and student tutors
- Break
- 14.00–15.00 Room 102A: Registration at student services
- 14.15–15.45 Independent review with e-materials that support learning
- 9.00–9.50 Zoom-link (passcode 588415)
- 10.00–11.30 Zoom-link (passcode 711408)
- 12.30–14.00 Zoom-link (passcode 588415)
Wednesday 28.8.2024
- 8.15–11.15 Student union Copsa’s programme at Villa Elba (Sannanrannantie 60)
- bus to Elba from campus at 8.15
- bus back to campus from Elba at 11.15
- Lunch break
- 12.30–12.45 Classroom 256: Finnish student health services for students
- 12.45–14.00 Classroom 256: Checklist for studying
- teacher tutor Yue Dong, student tutors
- 12.30–14.00 Zoom-link (passcode 588415)