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Alumni activities

As an alumnus of Centria, you are part of the expert network of Centria graduates. Our alumni are an important stakeholder for us. Alumni are valued as partners and working life contacts.

Alumnus Jukka Oravainen

Become an alumnus

As an alumnus, you will have a vantage point on the current issues in the world of education, and you can participate in developing your field of education, if you wish. We also want to offer our alumni the opportunity to continuously learn and update their competence through Open University of Applied Sciences studies, for example. As an alumnus, you can study at Centria’s Open University of Applied Sciences for 10 credits within two years of your graduation for free.

As an alumnus, you can participate in the development of our education in different ways, for example:

Join the LinkedIn group

In the group you can freely network with other Centria alumni, share experiences, successes and your own expertise.

Kaki naisopiskelijaa istuu pöydän ääressä. He katsovat käsissään olevia kirjoja ja hymyilevät.

Open UAS studies

As an alumnus, you can supplement your competence with Open University of Applied Sciences studies, where you can complete 10 credits within two years of your graduation free of charge.

More information

Suvi Melender-Lågland