Software and hardware solutions
The research group’s strong expertise and experience in software and hardware development has been accumulated through active research and development projects and comprehensive service activities. The group’s strength is knowledge of agriculture, forestry, industry and welfare sectors.
Areas of expertise
The research group’s broad expertise covers embedded, sensor, IoT, automation and mobile systems, as well as desktop and web development. Spatial knowledge and situational awareness are also at the heart of the team’s expertise. We utilize service design and agile methods in our development to find the most effective solutions for our customers.
Software solutions
The research group has experience in multiple software projects across different technologies, platforms and hardware. We have knowledge in various areas of software development: management, specification, design, implementation and testing.
Hardware solutions
The group has a wealth of experience in developing wireless solutions and new device platforms. Electronics design and simulation as well as the integration of sensor, RFID and other electronic components into textiles are examples of the expertise of the research team.
The group’s expertise also covers the development of embedded systems and embedded software. Solutions have also been developed for various development platforms such as RasperryPI, Arduino and Waspmote.