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Staff mobility

We offer our staff members opportunities to participate in international cooperation and develop international skills in teacher and personnel exchanges.

All personnel – both teachers, R&D personnel and other personnel – have the opportunity to apply for an exchange mobility at a foreign university or organization. Personnel can also participate in international activities at Centria, by teaching in English-language trainings or participating in projects. Our teachers can also participate with a group of students in short term exchanges.

A limited number of Erasmus+ grants are available for mobilities. You can also go on a mobility without a grant, but then the educational program is responsible for all the costs. Priority is given to mobilities in which students are involved. Secondly, comes mobilities which aim at the development of the educational program. Thirdly, comes those mobilities which aim at developing staff members own competence.

Conditions for leaving

Application instructions

Before the mobility

During the mobility

After the mobility

Complete the Erasmus+ participant report. The link will be sent to your email after mobility.

More information

Timo Viitala