Centria Drone Lab
Centria has strong expertise in drones and other autonomous devices. We use a wide range of ready-made commercial solutions but can also design and manufacture autonomous equipment for different uses.
Possibilities of our equipment
Comprehensive equipment enables demonstrations of a wide range of applications on the ground, air and water surface and under the surface. In general, cases of use arise from the needs of companies and public authorities. The aim is to develop new types of solutions and to utilise and further refine the data produced by the solutions.
Centria uses a wide range of ready-made commercial solutions in its operations, in addition to which autonomous equipment can be designed and manufactured for different uses. Customized solutions can be designed, simulated and their strength calculation can be done using the 3D modeling software. Different materials can be used in the manufacture parts, and they can be made in different ways, such as using a 3D printer.
In Centria, drones and autonomous equipment are actively used in several research and development projects and service activities. Centria also offers training and supervised A2 theory tests.
You can visit the Ylivieska laboratory to find out about the equipment and the possibilities they bring.
Examples of use
- Airborne measurements, development of new measurement methods and visualisation of measurement results
- For example, air quality measurements, radio frequency measurements and mobile network coverage measurements
- Drone control using mobile network
- Enables longer flights
- Thermal camera applications
- Detecting district heating network leaks
- Thermal leakage from buildings
- Challenging industrial environments
- Situation information on hazards unsafe for humans
- Air quality measurements
- Safety
- Surveillance tasks, autonomous surveillance flights
- Indoor flights, maintenance, utilisation of UGVs and other applications
Supervised A2 additional theory tests in Ylivieska, Pietarsaari and Kokkola
If you want to fly drones that weigh between 500 g – 2 kg in a densely populated area, it is an open category sub-category A2 operation. In this case, in addition to the A1/A3 online theory test, you must have self-managed practical training and a supervised A2 additional theory test successfully completed.
We also offer training in operating a drone
The training is intended for persons with a background in hobbies, studies or work in technology and an interest in drones.
What is it about?
In the Dronemaster project, the University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences and Centria University of Applied Sciences have created a free modular online course package in English that can be used by students, researchers and staff of the universities, as well as companies in the region.
Drone piloting as a profession?
Finnish industry and research urgently need new professional drone pilots. Applications can be found in a wide range of sectors, such as monitoring and observation, waste management, agriculture, logistics, intelligent transport, energy and construction.
To operate with the drones, operators often need to master a variety of camera and instrumentation technologies and the analysis of the data they produce. This requires university-level technical expertise in areas such as wireless data transmission and statistics. In addition, knowledge of drone-related legislation is needed to avoid abuses and claims.
For whom?
The Dronemaster is for you if you have a hobby, study or work background in technology and an interest in drones.
What is the content of the training?
The English language course covers modern unmanned aircraft technologies and introduces the basics of aerodynamics and mechanics, mechanical components of unmanned aircraft, various mission-specific instrumentation and covers the basics of drone operation and flight.
In addition to the technical aspects, the course includes a comprehensive coverage of EU level laws and regulations.
No pre-requisites.
The course is open on the Digicampus platform. The first time you register you will need to register to access the course selection.
More information on the development environment
- Antennin 3D-säteilykuvion mittaus dronella Centria-ammattikorkeakoulun testiverkkoympäristössä
- Radiotaajuudella olevan häiriölähteen havaitseminen UAS:n avulla
- Massive MIMO antennin keilanohjauksen havaitseminen UAS:llä
- IMAGE 5G: Centria Ylivieskan kampus kuvattuna Dronella ilmasta
- Arctic Airborne 3D – The first hovering tests with VTOL
- Arctic Airborne 3D demonstrates
- The PRIORITY project, Trial 1
- The PRIORITY project, Trial 2
- AA3D demonstrates: Drones for searching and finding reindeers
- AA3D testaa: dronet poronhoidossa
- AA3D demonstrates: Using GPS data to find a reindeer with a drone flight
- Drone kunnossapidon mittauksissa
- Nelikopterit tulevat RF-mittauksiin
- Centrian tutkimus ja kehitys kehittää 5G-verkon sovelluskohteita kolmessa uudessa hankkeessa
- Pikkukaupungissa toimii huippunopea verkko
- Dronet 5G-verkon kenttätesteihin Kirkkonummella
- Droneja voidaan ohjata matkapuhelinverkon kautta
- Taktinen kupla testattavana OuluZonessa – Siirrettävä 5G tukiasema voi hyödyntää viranomaisia
- Taktisen kuplan avulla viranomaisverkko liikkuu hankaliin paikkoihin
- Uudet teknologiat viranomaisviestinnän käyttöön
- M. Heikkilä, M. Koskela, T. Kippola, M. Kocak, J. Erkkilä and J.Tervonen, “Using Unmanned Aircraft System for Mobile Network Verifications“, 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Bologna, Italy, 9-12 September 2018.
- M. Heikkilä, A. Seppänen, M. Koskela, J. Pihonen, J. Engelberg, A. Pouttu, “The Use of Unmanned Aircraft System for the Radio Frequency Interference Measurements”, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N), Catania Italy, 8-10 July 2019.
- J. Urama, R. Wiren, O. Galinina, J. Kauppi, K. Hiltunen, J. Erkkilä, F. Chernogorov, P. Eteläaho, M. Heikkilä, J. Torsner, S. Andreev, M. Valkama, “UAV-Aided Interference Assessment for Private 5G NR Deployments: Challenges and Solutions”, 2020, 58th IEEE Communications Magazine.
- J. Erkkilä, M. Koskela, M. Heikkilä, ” Utilizing Private Mobile Network for UAV Communication in Logistics”, 2021 The 30th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, https://fruct.org/publications/acm30/files/Erk.pdf
- Overview of the Nordic Challenges for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: DOI: 10.23919/FRUCT53335.2021.9599965
- Kramar V., Kanth R., Toppinen A., Rabah M., Immonen E., Koskela M., Erkkila J., Westerlund T., Tenhunen H., Isoaho J., Lybeck T., Perttula A., Tammi K., Sjoholm M., Arffman V., Ruotsalainen K., Tikanmaki A., Roning J. : Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Education Activities in Finland, UCNDrone Perspective https://fruct.org/publications/acm30/files/Kra.pdf
- Kanth, R., Paajanen, K., Perttula, A., Koskela, M., Sjoholm, M., Oravasaari, T., Rabah, M., Farooq, A., Dayoub, M., Röning, J., Ruotsalainen, L., & Turkmen, B. 2023. Needs for drone education in Finland. University collaboration network drone survey summary report. https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2023022027992
Pentti Eteläaho