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For students

In this section you can find information and instructions that you’ll need from the beginning of your studies until graduation and transition to work-life. In Student’s toolkit, you can find the tools you need during your studies, such as itsLearning, Peppi.

Group of students walking in Kokkole centre

Student’s Guide

We want our students to thrive and their studies to advance smoothly. This requires that the information is readily available. Here you will find answers to many questions!

Student’s Guide
Two bachelor's students pictured on Talonpojankatu campus in a meeting cube.

For new students

You are most welcome to Finland and to Centria UAS! Check out our guide for new students.

New students
Four students pictured in Kokkole centre

Graduation and working life

Our goal is that by graduation the student will find a job in their field. After the Bachelor’s degree, it is also possible to continue studies.

Graduation and working life
Nursing student Augustina Okwue

Student’s toolkit

The tools you need in your study and instructions for how to use them are compiled here.

Student’s toolkit
Students working on laptops


Optional Language Studies 2024–2025

You can still enrol to the optional language 2024–2025 courses in Peppi. Check out the list below and read more about the courses from Peppi. You can find the course from Peppi with the course name or code.

Welcome Back

We would like to warmly welcome our continuing students back to Campus! Student counsellors, study advisors, special education teacher, career and work-life services, FSHS representative, study psychologist, student pastor and representatives of COPSA available to meet. You can come to say hello, chat, ask for advice and book appointments. The event is in Finnish and English. Coffee, tea and goodies will be served.

Closing ceremony of the academic year

We invite all Centria University of Applied Sciences graduates of spring 2024 and their loved ones to our Closing Ceremony of the Academic Year on June 7th 2024. We also invite Centria personnel and alumni to join the celebration. Welcome!