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Group of students walking in the old wooden town of Kokkola

Centria ranked number one in the country in student satisfaction

Students graduating from Centria University of Applied Sciences in 2023 rated their education as the best in Finland in a nationwide student feedback survey. The number of graduates during the year also increased.

Centria graduates of fall 2023

Between 1.9.2023 and 31.12.2023, 305 students graduated from Centria UAS.

Tapio Huttula has returned as CEO, Rector on 1.10.2023

As the induction process of CEO, Rector Tapio Huttula continues and due to the strategy process that is about to start, Jennie Elfving is appointed Deputy Rector for the period 1.10.–31.12.2023 to ensure the operational capacity of the UAS. 

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Upcoming events in Centria

Centria Night Music

Promenade Concerts every hour. Centria music students and faculty members present opera, folk music, lied, chamber music and rhythm music.

Centria RDI Open Doors

Centria research and development’s open doors in Kokkola As autumn arrives, it is also time for the traditional open doors of Centria Research and Development. …

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