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Cross-institutional studies

Cross-institutional studies offer students the possibility to complete studies from other higher education institutions’ selections.

Study selection and target groups of cross-institutional studies are based on agreements between higher education institutions. They define the studies offered and the study rights entitled to complete them (e.g., degree students of a specific degree programme).

Most Finnish universities of applied sciences are using the Cross-Institutional Study Service. The study selection of cross-institutional study networks is thus available in Peppi. The enrollments and automatic credit transfers to student’s home university’s PSP are also done via Peppi.

The study selection of CampusOnline network is available on the portal until the end of 2024. After this, the portal will close. The portal contains instructions for enrollment. If the Cross-Institutional Study Service is not yet in use at a specific UAS, you will find the enrollment instructions for its courses from the portal.

Please see Centria’s instructions and important information about cross-institutional studies below.

Students of Centria

Please find guides for following situations below.

When studying cross-institutional studies

  • Student has to have an active study right.
  • Student has to be enrolled as present.
  • Student can choose studies from target higher education institution’s selection and enroll for course implementations via Peppi. Enrollment is only possible for courses the student is entitled to study. The selection is based on an agreement between higher education institutions.  
  • Student will be granted a temporary study right at the target higher education institution to complete studies. If the study right at Centria ends due to graduation or resignation, so will the temporary study right at the other institution.  
  • The studies are completed according to the instructions and timetables of the target higher education institution.
  • The studies are assessed by the target higher education institution. The study attainment will transfer to your PSP in Peppi automatically without separate application.

Study selection

Check the study selection available for you. You can view the selection in Peppi by two different ways:

  • Go to your PSP’s Enrollments tab. Select Search for courses and filter the cross-study selection. Here you can see implementations which have an enrollment ongoing.
  • Go to your PSP’s Selecting studies tab. Click the magnifying glass icon and filter cross studies. Here you can see implementations which have an enrollment either ongoing or upcoming later.

Detailed guide can also be found at Itslearning-> Digistart -> Cross-Institutional Study Service.

Cross-institutional study selection consists mainly of optional studies. Note that the scope of optional studies is limited by your degree programme’s curriculum. In some cases, it is required to ask for a permission (from your teacher tutor, student counsellor, or head of degree programme) to include cross-institutional studies in your degree.

Optional studies

Your PSP includes optional studies. The scope is defined by your degree programme’s curriculum. You can plan and choose optional studies to your PSP accordingly.

You can choose studies from networks offering optional studies in their selection.


  • Student of business administration wants to learn more about investing and finds a suitable course from CampusOnline network’s selection.
  • Student enrolls for the course implementation in Peppi and completes the course according to target institution’s instructions.
  • Credits are transferred to student’s PSP in Peppi automatically. Student checks the assessment information is correct.
Compulsory studies

Compulsory studies are generally completed at Centria. However, in some exceptions, students can substitute a compulsory course with a similar course found from cross-institutional study selection. This arrangement has to be agreed on beforehand and there must be a specific reason for it (e.g. student could not take part in the course organized by Centria or they want to study during summer etc.). In these cases it is required to contact your teacher tutor, head of degree programme, or student counsellor.


  • Student of business administration could not take part in compulsory Accounting course.
  • Student finds an accounting course with similar content from study network’s selection.
  • Student contacts the head of the degree programme (by email) and confirms that Centria’s course can be substituted with it.
  • After this suggestion is confirmed, student enrolls for the course implementation offered via CampusOnline network.
  • Credits are transferred to student’s PSP in Peppi automatically. Student checks the assessment information is correct.


You can enroll for course implementations in Peppi the same way you do for Centria’s studies. When making the enrollment, you will be asked to confirm the transfer of your study entitlement’s information to the host organization.

You will be granted a temporary study right at the target institution for one study year at a time. The study right entitles you to study only the courses you have enrolled for and have been approved to via Cross-Institutional Study Service. If the study right at Centria ends due to graduation or resignation, so will the temporary study right at the other institution.  

Remember to enroll on time. It is not possible after the enrollment period ends. If you want to cancel your enrollment, it can be done when the enrollment period for a course implementation is still ongoing. After the enrollment period ends, you can still cancel the enrollment if it has not been processed yet. However, your study right will remain active in the host organization.

Updates on enrollment

It is important to follow updates on your enrollment. Approved enrollment will be visible on your PSP (under Notices on the Inspection tab, on PSP structure, and on the Enrollments tab).

Placing studies on your PSP

After enrollment, the course will be placed under External studies on your PSP. Your teacher tutor can place the course under correct study module during your PSP discussion. In unclear cases, the head of degree programme will make the decision on placing the course.


Remember to complete all required tasks and assignments on time to gain credits. After you have completed the course and it has been assessed by the course teacher, the study attainment is automatically transferred to your PSP and to your credits. As a student, it is your responsibility to check that the assessment has transferred correctly. You do not have to apply for credit transfer separately. Courses are assessed according to higher education institutions’ timetables.

If you cannot enroll for cross-institutional studies via Cross-Institutional Study Service (in Peppi), you have to do the enrollment according to the target institution’s instructions.

Study selection and enrollment

The study selection of CampusOnline network is available on the portal until the end of 2024. The portal contains optional instructions for enrollment in case the Cross-Institutional Study Service is not yet in use at the host UAS. At the end of the year, the portal will close. After this, the study selection and enrollments are available only via Cross-Institutional Study Service in Peppi.

Note that Centria’s students enroll for Centria’s CampusOnline studies in Peppi.

Transfer credits to your PSP

Once you have completed your CampusOnline studies at another UAS, you can transfer the credits to your Centria studies (if the enrollment was done outside Peppi).

As a Centria student, you can transfer credits for completed CampusOnline studies via Peppi >> E-applications. The application is still open during the study year 2024-2025, after which it will close. Remember to transfer your credits well on time.

Log in to Peppi with your Centria user ID. On student’s desktop go to E-applications >> Applications in English >> Credit transfer application for CampusOnline studies. On the application form you can choose to transfer credits by either attaching a link of your shared studies via My Studyinfo -service  (requires strong identification) or by submitting a Transcript of Records, from the UAS where you have completed the studies. Before filling in the application form in E-applications, please read the instructions below.

If you have the strong identification required to log in to My Studyinfo-service choose to transfer your credits via this option. Log in to My Studyinfo, select the studies you want to share, copy the link of your shared studies, and attach the link to the application form in E-applications. Find detailed instructions for My Studyinfo-service here.

If you don’t have the strong identification required to log in to My Studyinfo, you can choose to transfer credits by submitting a Transcript of Records as an attachment to the application form in E-applications. Ask for or download a Transcript of Records from the UAS where you have completed studies.

On the credit transfer application in E-applications you are required to write the course name /-s of the studies you want to transfer credits for. You can find the most common CampusOnline courses here.

Centria UAS

  • Selecting and placing studies on your PSP, guidance according to counselling process of your degree programme
    • Bachelor’s degrees -> teacher tutors and student counsellors
    • Master’s degrees -> teacher in charge of the programme
  • Problems and questions related to Peppi

Higher education institution organizing the course (target higher education institution)

  • Familiarize yourself with the target institution’s instructions on their website (study environment, login credentials, studying, assessment, etc.)
  • Course teacher will answer questions about completing the course

Students of other higher education institutions

Welcome to study at Centria UAS!

Most of the Finnish higher education institutions are using the Cross-Institutional Study Service for cross-institutional studies. Please find guides for following situations below.

When studying cross-institutional studies

  • Student has to have an active study right at their home institution.
  • Student has to be enrolled as present.
  • Student can choose studies from Centria’s study selection and enroll for course implementations in their own study information system. Enrollment is only possible for courses the student is entitled to study. The selection is based on an agreement between higher education institutions.  
  • Student will be granted a temporary study right at Centria to complete studies. If the study right at their home institution ends due to graduation or resignation, so will the temporary study right at Centria.
  • The studies are completed according to the instructions and timetables of Centria.
  • The studies are assessed by Centria. The study attainment will transfer to the study records of student’s home institution automatically without separate application.

Study selection

Study selection and target groups of offered studies are based on cooperation agreements between higher education institutions. Check the study selection available for you. Cross-institutional study selection consists mainly of optional studies.

Make sure the studies you enroll for are suitable for your degree, according to your home institution’s counselling process. Read the course descriptions carefully.


Enroll for cross-institutional studies in your own study information system (Peppi).

When making the enrollment, you will be asked to confirm the transfer of your study entitlement’s information to the host organization. To read more about the transfer, see our Privacy Policy.

To read about our data protection regarding the processing of personal data, go to Peppi study information system’s privacy notice is described under register and data protection reports.

Enrollment processing

After your enrollment is processed (approved, rejected or updated), this will be visible on your PSP (in Peppi under Notices on the Inspection tab, on PSP structure, and on the Enrollments tab).

After your first approved enrollment to Centria, you will receive an email containing information about your studies at Centria. Save the email for future enrollments. The course teacher may also send you additional emails regarding the studies, so make sure to follow your email actively.

Cancellation of enrollment

If you want to cancel your enrollment, it can be done in your own study information system (Peppi). Cancellation is possible when the enrollment period for a course implementation is still ongoing. After the enrollment period ends, you can still cancel the enrollment if it has not been processed yet. However, your study right will remain active in the host organization.

Study right

You will be granted a temporary study right at the target institution for one study year at a time. The study right entitles you to study only the courses you have enrolled for and have been approved to via Cross-Institutional Study Service. If the study right at your home institution ends due to graduation or resignation, so will the temporary study right at Centria.


The studies are completed according to the instructions and timetables given by the course teacher.

Centria uses an online learning environment Itslearning. Please note that the workspace of the course opens on the day the course implementation begins. Detailed instructions for Itslearning can be read under “Itslearning study environment and login credentials”.

Courses may include teaching via ZOOM.


Remember to give feedback. You can give feedback for each course in the Itslearning study environment within the course implementation time.


The course teacher will assess the course and register the grade to Centria’s study information system within a month after completion of studies. The study attainment will transfer to the study records of your home institution automatically.  If you retake the course, the information will update to your study records.

As a student, it is your responsibility to check that the assessment has transferred correctly.

A student dissatisfied with the assessment of a study attainment may lodge a rectification request orally or in writing to the teacher who awarded the grade. The rectification request must be made within 14 days of the date on which the information about the grade or application of the assessment criteria to the student’s work became accessible to the student. A student dissatisfied with the decision on the rectification request may seek rectification from the university of applied sciences board of examiners within 14 days of receiving the notification of the decision.

If you cannot enroll for cross-institutional studies via Cross-Institutional Study Service (in Peppi), you can enroll for CampusOnline courses organized by Centria by filling a separate enrollment form, which will be sent by request.

Study selection and enrollment

Centria’s CampusOnline study selection is available on the portal until the end of 2024. The portal contains instructions for enrollment in case the Cross-Institutional Study Service is not yet in use.

You can request a separate enrollment form by email: The link will be sent to those students whose home universities are not using the Cross-Institutional Study Service yet.

NB! You must submit your Finnish personal identity code with the enrollment form. If you do not have a Finnish personal identity code, please inform this when requesting the enrollment form from

You can check Centria’s CampusOnline study rounds and timetables at the bottom of this page.

Enrollment processing

The admittance for courses is based on enrollment order and time. The courses are organized if there are a minimum of 20 students enrolled.

You will receive a notification of approved or rejected enrollment. If the course is cancelled, we will notify you immediately after the enrollment period ends. Students admitted for the studies will receive instructions by email approximately a week before the studies begin.

Cancellation of enrollment

You can cancel your enrollment during the enrollment period. Please, submit your cancellation notification to the study advisor in time at In the message, state both your name and the name of the course you wish to cancel. You will receive an email receipt after the cancellation has been processed.

Starting studies

Studies start on the starting day given under “CampusOnline study rounds” (at the bottom of the page). The studies are completed according to the instructions and timetables given by the course teacher.

If the course is cancelled, we will notify you immediately after the enrollment period ends. Students who are admitted for the studies will receive further instructions about the start of studies by email approximately a week before the studies begin.

Centria uses an online learning environment Itslearning. Please note that the workspace of the course opens on the day the course implementation begins. Detailed instructions for Itslearning can be read under “Itslearning study environment and login credentials”.


Remember to give feedback. You can give feedback for each course in the Itslearning study environment within the course implementation time.

Transcript of records and grade transfer

The course is assessed one month after the completion of the studies at the latest.

The credits will not transfer to your study records automatically. You must transfer them according to your home institution’s instructions. If you are unsure of your school procedures, please check them from your school’s instructions.

If necessary, you can request a certificate of studies by email:

Centria uses an online learning environment Itslearning. The learning environment can be found at: The workspace of the course opens on the day the course implementation begins.

Logging into the Itslearning environment is done with the system’s own login credentials. You will be able to access the credentials soon after your enrollment for course implementation is approved. Please wait for the notification of approved enrollment before trying to access the credentials.

You can access the Itslearning login credentials by the “Forgotten password” function. Submit your own institution’s student email address to access the login credentials.

Please find detailed instructions for accessing login credentials and Itslearning environment below.

  • Selecting studies: According to your home institution’s counselling process
  • Questions related to course contents and implementations: Course teacher
  • Itslearning and login credentials:
  • CampusOnline studies:
  • Other issues and questions:

Additional information

September 2024

Enrollment 12.8.2024 – 6.9.2024
Starting day 25.9.2024

Course duration / ending days:
1-2 cr    13.11.2024
3-4 cr    4.12.2024
5-6 cr    11.12.2024

January 2025

Enrollment 18.11.2024 – 3.1.2025
Starting day 22.1.2025

Course duration / ending days:
1-2 cr    12.3.2025
3-4 cr    2.4.2025
5-6 cr    9.4.2025

April 2025

Enrollment 17.3.2025 – 4.4.2025
Starting day 30.4.2025

Course duration / ending days:
1-2 cr    18.6.2025
3-4 cr    13.8.2025
5-6 cr    20.8.2025

September 2025

Enrollment 11.8.2025 – 5.9.2025
Starting day 24.9.2025
Course duration / ending days:
1-2 cr     12.11.2025
3-4 cr    3.12.2025
5-6 cr    10.12.2025

January 2026

Enrollment 17.11.2025 – 2.1.2026
Starting day 21.1.2026
Course duration / ending days:
1-2 cr     11.3.2026
3-4 cr    1.4.2026
5-6 cr    8.4.2026

April 2026

Enrollment 9.3.2026 – 3.4.2026
Starting day 29.4.2026
Course duration / ending days:
1-2 cr     17.6.2026
3-4 cr    12.8.2026
5-6 cr    19.8.2026

Cross-institutional study selection is based on network agreements between higher education institutions.

Centria is a part of following networks:

Network: CampusOnline
Higher education institutions: Universities of Applied Sciences
Target groups: Degree students, open UAS path students

Network: SeAMK-Centria cross studies
Higher education institutions: Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Centria University of Applied Sciences
Target groups: Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students

Network: Information Technology profilation (bachelor level)
Higher education institutions: Centria University of Applied Sciences, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Turku University of Applied Sciences, VAMK University of Applied Sciences
Target groups: Bachelor’s degree students, Degree programmes of Information Technology or Business Intelligence Technologies

Network: Nursing Basic Examinations
Higher education institutions: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
Target groups: Nursing degree students and open UAS path students

Network: KiVANET
On the KiVANET network you can find a wide variety of online language courses. Enrollment periods are open every spring, summer, and fall. Please see the enrollment periods and study selection from the network’s website.
Note! Cross-Institutional Study Service not in use. Enrollment is done according to separate instructions.

I’m not sure this course is right for me?

Before enrolling for a course, please, make sure that it is suitable for your studies. You can read course descriptions from Peppi or CampusOnline, depending on the enrollment method.

When can I get information on the start of a course?

If you have enrolled via Cross-Institutional Study Service, you can follow the updates on your enrollment on your PSP (in Peppi). You will also receive instructions by email after your first approved enrollment to a higher education institution. Save the email for future enrollments, since it is sent by the system only once.

If you have enrolled via separate enrollment form, you will be notified on start of studies or cancellation soon after the end of enrollment period. Students with approved enrollment will receive further instructions about the start of studies later, before the course begins.

I want to cancel my studies, what do I do?

If you have enrolled via Cross-Institutional Study Service, you can cancel your enrollment in your own study information system (Peppi). Cancellation is possible when the enrollment period for a course implementation is still ongoing. After the enrollment period ends, you can still cancel the enrollment if it has not been processed yet.

If you have enrolled via separate enrollment form, you can cancel your studies by submitting a written notification to during the enrollment period.

The course has started, but I haven’t received any instructions – what do I do?

Start by logging in to Itslearning and your course workspace.  Check what has been instructed there. You can also contact the teacher of the course in Itslearning.

You can also contact by email, so we can check you have submitted your email address correctly.

I can’t log in to my studies any longer?

If the course is still in progress, you should be able to log in to the workspace in Itslearning. If problems occur, please contact

If the course implementation has ended, your login credentials may be locked, and you will no longer have access to the learning environment.

How can I give feedback on a course?

You can give feedback for each course in the Itslearning study environment within the course implementation time.

I’ve completed my studies, but the grade doesn’t appear in my school’s system. How do I get my grade to my own study records?

If you have enrolled via Cross-Institutional Study Service, the study attainment will transfer to the study records of your home institution automatically. Centria’s courses are assessed one month after the completion of the studies at the latest. With issues, please contact

If you have enrolled via separate enrollment form, the credits will not transfer to your study records automatically. Check your home university’s instructions regarding the credit transfer.

Centria’s students transfer credits for completed CampusOnline studies via Peppi >> E-applications (if the enrollment was done outside Peppi). Please see detailed instructions under “Transfer credits to your PSP”.