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Skills Centria – support with studies

Skills Centria is designed to support students in their studies while also offering low-threshold activities related to well-being and the fluency of studies. The activities are open to all students and are organized in both English and Finnish.

Special education teacher’s open workshops

The special education teacher will be there for you every Monday starting in September from 15 to 17 in the pink working area on the first floor at the Kokkola campus (158). She offers advice, help and support for study assignments. If doing tasks at home doesn’t work, come to campus on Mondays to work — help is next door!

Support for study challenges and help with tasks can also be obtained remotely. The special education teacher will be on call on Zoom starting in September on Thursdays from 8 to 9.

You can also contact the special teacher at any time and book an appointment in Kokkola or remotely on Teams. Päivi Ruohoniemi, tel. +358 50 5359690,

Language and Communication support and workshops

Finnish Language and Communication support

Teacher: Hertta Erkkilä, email

The student receives guidance according to their own needs. You can participate in the meetings occasionally. The student can bring with them reports or essays they have written that the supervisor can comment on. The content is refined according to the learning objectives of the participants. This meetings also supports the written phase of the thesis process. The meetings are intended for everyone, both Finnish and international students.

You can attend a face-to-face meeting or online. Appointments are arranged through the online appointment system. The student sends an e-mail in advance about their participation and explains more about their learning goals. The teacher responds to the email and provides the student with a link through which he or she can book an appointment smoothly.

Swedish Language and Communication support

Teacher: Jenny Jansson, email 

The student receives guidance according to their own needs. The aim is to strengthen your Swedish language skills. You can participate in the meetings occasionally.

You can attend a face-to-face meeting or online. Appointments are arranged through the online appointment system. The student sends an e-mail in advance about their participation and explains more about their learning goals. The teacher responds to the email and provides the student with a link through which he or she can book an appointment smoothly.

English language and communication support

Teacher: Karin Kallis, email

The student receives guidance according to their own needs. The aim is to strengthen your English language skills. You can participate in the meetings occasionally.

You can attend a face-to-face meeting or online. Appointments are arranged through the online appointment system. The student sends an e-mail to the teacher in advance about their participation and explains more about their learning goals. The teacher responds to the email and provides the student with a link through which he or she can book an appointment smoothly.

Mathematics workshops

Remote mathematics workshop

Do you need help with your maths homework? In the remote mathematics workshop, you can do your own assignments and get help if you are struggling with a task. You can attend the workshop when you need to and you do not need to register in advance.


Autumn 2024

Meeting ID: 642 9802 9214
Passcode: 105098

Mathematics workshop on campus

Teacher: Harri Aarnio, email

In the mathatics workshop, you will get help and advice with your maths problems. You can come whenever you need to. The workshop is aimed especially for engineering students, but students from other fields are also welcome.

Mathematics Workshop can be found found in Peppi, YY00AT61-3001 Matematiikan työpaja, but registration is not required.

Workshops autumn 2024

Software support and workshops

Excel support session

Need help using Excel? In the Excel support session, you can ask for advice and tips on how to get the most out of the software and how to use it. You can attend the workshop at random and no registration is required.

If you wish, you can send your teacher questions or topics in advance by e-mail:

Zoom link coming!

Support with thesis

Students in the thesis phase can request support and guidance for their thesis primarily from the thesis advisor of their programme.

Start-up videos for the thesis process

Starting a thesis can seem challenging, but with the right instructions and attitude, it is possible! Here are some short videos to help you get started!

Thesis text workshop

Thesis workshop sessions are meant for those who have already started writing their thesis and who have noticed they want or need some more advice or support when it comes to text, language and layout. Please remember that you can also find self-study material from the Itslearning workspace called “Thesis”.

Thesis workshops will be held on Tuesdays from 3 pm to 4.30 pm. The meetings will be organised as online classes only. You can find the Zoom links from the Itslearning workspace as well.


Thesis template workshop

Need help with the technical fine-tuning of your thesis? In this workshop you will get help with the practical challenges of the thesis template, for example with a table of contents or page numbering.

Talonpojankatu campus pink space (158)

Career and work-life services’ workshops

Career and work-life services regularly organize coaching and workshops that are open to everyone to support students’ job-searching capabilities, professional growth and career planning.

Workshops during autumn 2024

Location: in the pink space of the Talonpojankatu Campus (158).
No pre-registration.

Wellbeing, everyday-life and studying skills

Study psychologist question time

A study psychologist will be there just for you every Thursday 5. September from 14:00 to 15:00, remotely in Zoom. Come and talk to us if you have any questions or thoughts about well-being or coping that you would like to discuss with a study psychologist.

Zoom links coming soon.

Services and events offered by partners

The FSHS responsibility areas are:

  • to provide students with health and medical care services
  • to promote students’ health and ability to study, and
  • to promote the well-being of the study environment and student community

Assessing your care needs and making an appointment
By phone

General and mental health services tel. 046 710 1073
Oral health services tel. 046 710 1085

YTHS also organises regional and national remote wellbeing support groups. For more information on groups and other forms of support, visit the YTHS website Groups and virtual courses – FSHS (

The purpose of Nyyti’s operations is to support students’ mental health and ability to study. Their aim to improve students’ study skills and ability to cope with everyday life as well as related peer activities. Moreover, their aim to enhance the skills of people in charge of mental health promotion and problem prevention among students and in student communities.

We welcome suggestions for useful activities or study circles

Group of international students sitting together in Campus Allegro

Work-life workshops and coaching

Career and work-life services regularly organize coaching and workshops that are open to everyone to support students’ job search capabilities.