Centria – Developing testing activities
Branch: Production technology
Duration: 19.01.2016 – 31.12.2017
Region: North Ostrobothnia
Financed by: European Regional Development Fund, Regional Council of Northern Ostrobothnia, State of Finland and companies
Budget: 670 000 EUR
Further information: Jani Rättyä, service manager, +358 44 4492577, jani.rattya@centria.fi
Project Manager: Vesa Martinkauppi

Centria Research and Development is the most significant testing service provider in the southern part of Northern Ostrobothnia. Testing is a key part of the development process of new products as well as an intrinsic part of quality assurance related to product manufacturing. The project aims at developing Centria’s research and development testing activities into a more comprehensive service concept, in order to meet the companies growing testing needs. The project will update and acquire the following new equipment:
• EMC Testing: testing radiation immunity, measuring harmonic flicker disturbances
• Vibration Measurements: a controller enabling both vibration testing according to the MIL-Standards and drop-testing
• Environmental tests: a van-sized testing chamber
• Material testing: devices measuring metal hardness and devices for tension and bending testing
• Equipment for surface treatments testing
The estimated cost for the project is 670,000 € and the implementation period is 19.1.2016-31.12.2017.
The project funding comes from the Regional Council of Northern Ostrobothnia (European Union Regional Development Fund and the Finnish State) with a contribution of 469 000 €; and from companies, which are supporting the project with 13 000 €.
Contact information
Jani Rättyä
Service manager
+358 44 4492577