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Co-funded by the European Union Svenska Kulturfonden

Inclusive Workplace

Branch: Entrepreneurship and business

Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.3.2026

Region: Ostrobothnia

Financed by: Europeiska socialfonden Plus (ESF+) genom NTM-centralen i Österbotten, Svenska kulturfonden

Project Manager: Mona Groop-Sjöholm

About the project

The Inclusive Workplace project is a way to solve companies’ labor shortages. The main focus is to support companies to take more responsibility for the inclusion and well-being of the international workforce in the workplace. The aim is to develop concrete processes to enable as many employers as possible to develop their workplace into an inclusive place for many.

The project works to ensure that companies begin to see the potential of the international workforce, that people with different backgrounds feel welcome and included in the region’s companies, thrive and stay in the workplace.

The project also aims to inspire companies to take a greater role in the international worker’s leisure time and well-being in the region. The well-being of the worker’s family, if any, is also important to increase the chances of them settling and staying. 

The final product is processes and tools for companies that help in the inclusion of the international workforce and these are developed with the help of pilot companies in the Pietarsaari region. The cooperation with companies will take place on different levels: shaping an information package (on inclusion, integration and diversity, among others) or a broader cooperation on concrete tools and methods.  These are freely available after the project to others.

Centria is implementing the project in cooperation with Bildningsalliansen rf and KREDU.

Bildningsalliansen ja Kredu logot

Inkluderande arbetsplats/Bidningsalliansen rf