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Service planning

Multidisciplinary expertise to develop services. Our experts can help you develop better services, whatever your industry. Service design can help you make more efficient use of your organisation’s resources, improve business and service quality, increase the expertise of your personnel, and enhance the customer experience you offer.

Making service design work for your organisation

Our clients are companies and organisations in different sectors that need to improve their own processes or services. Service design methods can be used to develop both internal and external services and processes.

Added value for the customer through more efficient service processes

Our goal is to develop smooth and customer-oriented services together with the customer organisation. Working through the development process is all about delivering an interactive and holistic design for the customer and employee experience. Development work is done through participation, visualisation, and experimentation using service design methods.

The development objective can be, for example, to increase customer satisfaction, reach new customers, and improve the organisation’s performance. Clearly defining the focus of development and involving key people is essential for effective work. Centria’s experts provide an outside perspective, new tools, and methods for effective development work. Our experts are highly experienced in developing processes and services.

We specialise in service simulation and empathy experiments.



Jani Rättyä

Johanna Hautamäki

Expert looking computer screen

See all our Expert services

Centria’s range of expert services includes support in development of services for businesses and communities among other things. Our experts will support you in line with your specific needs. We can also help you to organise your company’s participation in trade fairs on a turnkey basis. Our development project preparation service assists growth and development-orientated SMEs and micro-enterprises prepare research and development funding applications. The Lean service seeks solutions to the efficiency challenges of companies’ production processes.