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Content of studies

Your studies at Centria consist of compulsory studies, free-choice studies and practical training. At the final stage of your studies you will write your thesis and take a maturity test.

Female students sitting together in Talonpojankatu Campus library

Study guide

The study guide includes curricula of all degree programmes of Centria University of Applied Sciences. Each curriculum is approved and ratified by the rector of Centria University of Applied Sciences and the curricula guide how the teaching and studying are carried out in each degree programme.

The curricula are grouped in the study guide on the basis of the starting year. For example, all the curricula for studies starting in the autumn of 2020 are grouped under the academic year 2020-2021. The contents of the curriculum may vary even within the degree programme depending on the mode of studies and/or the time when the studies begin. The curriculum shows how different courses are scheduled for different academic years during one’s studies.

The student’s personal study plan is based on the curriculum of the degree programme in question.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Students may have acquired part of the knowledge and skills required for the degree already before starting their studies or during their studies through some other channel than their studies in the university of applied sciences.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a procedure where students can make use of the skills and knowledge they have acquired either in working life or in their previous studies by including those into their degree.  Students can also acquire skills during their studies by taking other trainings or through working life experiences and can apply for recognition based on those. In addition to working life experiences and other higher education studies, students may have acquired the skills and knowledge also through their hobbies or through voluntary work.

It is always the student who has the initiative to launch the RPL process: students will reflect their own knowledge and skills on the learning objectives of the course and initiate the RPL process according to the instructions.

A student can apply for credit transfer on previously completed studies. However, if the completed studies are prerequisite for UAS study, they do not qualify for credit transfer. Further information about credit transfers of previously completed studies is available from the Student affairs office or from your tutor teacher.

The student can also apply for RPL (AHOT in Finnish) procedure (Recognition of prior learning) which means that other than formal education can also qualify as credit transfer. This can be knowledge acquired through work, hobbies, positions of trust etc. For more information on AHOT, please contact the teacher of the specific subject.

Note! The Open University of Applied Sciences does not recognise previous studies. It is only done for degree students. In the Open UAS, only partial, individually agreed, credit transfers can be made on a case-by-case basis, whereby the student demonstrates their competence in a way determined by the teacher. The RPL process is the same as for degree students. For further information, please contact the course teacher or tutor. Credit transfers at Open UAS do not qualify for a price reduction.

Accreditation of learning in some other manner

The accreditation of learning takes the studying outside from the classrooms to the actual work places. The know-how that is required by the degree is done by working and connecting the work to the acquired knowledge. Student must analyze his/her work assignments and combine them with study courses or study modules. The student must also reflect his/her work assignments to the learning objectives of each course or module. Student masters both his/her work assignments and the theory of each study module.

One of the most important stage is the competence demonstration where teacher, peer and self-evaluation is used as well as evaluation based on work life. At the competence demonstration, student must connect his/her work to the theory and demonstrate the achieved know-how. Student’s own reflection and accreditation of own learning is also important. The student receives feedback and grading after the competence demonstration.

Personal study plan (PSP)

Studies at Centria are based on the study modules of the student’s degree programme. Each student has a personal study plan (PSP) that the student makes at the beginning of their studies. With the help of the personal study plan, the student plans and implements the studies, as well as monitors the progress of the studies. The personal study plan is made based on the Degree programme’s Curriculum in the Peppi system. The preparation and updating of the PSP is the responsibility of the student, for which the student can get guidance from the teacher tutor or student counsellor.

Each degree programme consists of compulsory and optional studies, work placement and a thesis. The student gets acquainted with the study modules of the degree programme and its special features during the first year, especially during the Orientation to Studies course and I as a UAS student course. When preparing the PSP, the student becomes acquainted with the content of the study programme and takes into account his/her individual development needs, strengths and career aspirations in the planning and selection of studies.

The PSP includes mostly compulsory courses during the first year. As the studies progress, the student can choose between different professional study modules as well as optional studies, depending on the study programme. The student also considers and plans suitable places for doing a work placement and, as the studies progress, the topic of the thesis. If the student is working alongside the studies, it is worth bringing the matter to the attention of the tutor teacher at the beginning of the studies and in the PSP discussion. Work experience can be utilized e.g. as work placement credits or the work environment can be utilized as another place for learning. Be sure to update your own situation with your tutor teacher as your situation changes.

Personal Study Plan discussion

When a student begins the studies, the student is part of the group of students in his or her field of study. The student group has its own tutor teacher who holds regular tutor classes for the group during the first year, in matters related to studies and work placement (Orientation to studies). The tutor teacher guides and supports the students during his / her studies so that the studies proceed in a determined manner in accordance with the student’s PSP.

An important part of the progress of studies is the PSP-discussion between the student and the tutor teacher. In the discussion, the student and the tutor teacher will talk about the student’s personal study plan, e.g. studying, possible challenges, career plans. The PSP discussion takes place during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of studies. The first PSP discussion is held with the tutor teacher during the first semester and is based on the PSP 1 form. The student should prepare for the PSP-discussions by filling out the PSP1-3 forms in advance. The first PSP form is filled out during I as a UAS student course.

  • previous studies and work experience (educational background, possible work experience or studies that could be recognized as prior learning (RPL1 and RPL2), exchange study plans)
  • learning and study (strengths and potential challenges in learning)
  • student’s interests and goals (career plans, development targets, wishes during the studies)

  • learning and studying (progress of studies, learning goals, feelings about the studies)
  • career planning (what skills are needed in the field you are planning to enter, how do you achieve the required skills?)
  • guidance
  • thesis (topics of interest, timing)

  • studying (What have you learned? Does your learning go alongside with your expectations?)
  • your future plans and working life (How has studying prepared you for working life?)
  • your graduation plan

The PSP covers the entire study period and also includes career planning. As studies progress and student life situations change (e.g., exchange study, military service, maternity or sick leave), the personal study plan is updated to reflect the current situation.

Practical training

Practical training is an essential part of studies at the University of Applied Sciences. It is included in all fields of education and all degrees. Students primarily complete their practical training in a work environment, that is related to their field of education. There is a possibility to use previous work experience or recognition of learning at work to practical training.

The aim of doing practical training is to give the students an opportunity to apply their knowledge acquired in theoretical study and to develop their skills of independent work. Practical training seeks to deepen the students’ skills, to orientate them to jobs in the field, as well as to support and complement their study as designed by their degree program. The periods of practical training, are intended to form a path for professional development. Thus, work placement must be versatile enough, and it must gradually become more challenging and demanding.

The scope of practical training in Centria University of Applied Sciences is 30 to 85 credit points, depending on the degree. The credit point is the basic unit for measuring UAS studies. An effort of 1,600 hours, which is required to complete the study of one academic year on the average, is equivalent to 60 credit points.

Instructions for practical training

Bachelor of Business Administration and Engineering 

Bachelor of Health Care

Online studies

At Centria UAS, the students can also study courses online. Online courses are offered by Centria’s open online studies and portal that offers courses from nearly all of the Finnish UAS’. Both Centria’s open online studies and Campusonline’s course selection are free of charge to Centria’s degree students.

Study rounds start three times a year: in spring, summer, and fall. There are more than 70 courses in all the education fields at Centria’s open online study selection. There are 25 courses taught in English.

You can check the study selection from our Study guide: Choose Implementation plan search. You can narrow the search by 

  • Degree programme= Open UAS studies 
  • Enrollment start=(date)
  • Enrollment end=(date)
  • Teaching language 

You can check the study round schedule from here.

NB! Centria’s students enroll for Centria’s studies in Peppi. is a joint portal of universities of applied sciences. It features the online study selection of the universities of applied sciences. From CampusOnline, you can select suitable courses. Remember to make sure that the course is acceptable for your degree.

The courses are free of charge for degree students, exchange students at universities of applied sciences, and for path students at Open UAS.

The possible CampusOnline studies and their inclusion in Centria’s studies must be agreed upon in advance, as stated in the instructions for students, i.e. the students must make sure from their own degree programme that the study courses are suitable for the degree. If the student wants to transfer credits (RPL procedure) for the Centria course as a CampusOnline or other online course credit, the teacher of the course can require proof of knowledge from the student to verify competence. However, Centria’s own study courses are not recommended to be replaced via CampusOnline / cross-study.

Final thesis and maturity test

In the final thesis, the student has to incorporate different areas of the studies on the thesis. The student is also required to take a written maturity test in the field of his/her thesis. The scope of the thesis is 15 credits in the Bachelor’s degree programmes and 30 credits in the Master’s degree programmes.

The final thesis indicates a student’s expertise in understanding, applying, and producing professional results in their own field. At its best, the thesis is a bridge between studies and working life. It gives capabilities to further studies.

To be able to graduate with a bachelor’s degree, the students of the university of applied sciences must pass a maturity test. The purpose of the maturity test is to demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the field of study. Moreover, the test aims to show that the student is proficient at writing academic texts. Finnish students studying in English degree programmes must follow the instructions given in the guide for the maturity test.

Read more about the Centria Guide for Thesis and Academic Writing here.

Enrollment for maturity tests

The students can enroll for their maturity test by sending an e-mail to their thesis instructor. When the enrollment is accepted, it can be viewed at Peppi Student’s Desktop > Exams > Enrollments.