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European Regional Development Fund 2013-2020 logo Leverage from the EU 2014-2020 logo Council of Central Ostrobotnia logo

EteVä pilot – Energy efficient and low-carbon pilot solutions 

Branch: Chemistry and bioeconomy

Duration: 1.6.2021-31.7.2023

Region: Central Ostrobothnia

Financed by: European Regional Development Fund
Council of Central Ostrobothnia

Project Manager: Mira Valkjärvi

The projects’ purpose is to survey the potential of the side streams and waste energy as well as ability to store energy by the local businesses in Central Ostrobothnia area. At least three different pilot cases are chosen from the region. These cases and their potentials in energy saving, energy production, energy storage and side stream utilization will be defined through detailed surveys. These reports will also help to map out the potential collaborations between the cases as well as the other actors within the region. The pilots are chosen so that with small modification they could be generalized and transferred to other companies as a means to support the local and national sustainability goals. 

Aims of the project 

The project aims to support and utilize the different renewable energy and energy efficiency projects within the region as well as create new ones. Energy and material efficiency can be improved by developing the different cycles within companies that create side streams and wasted energy. These cycles include internal (storage, collection, and recycling) and external cycles (energy production synergies). The results of the three pilot cases will be combined and refined to help other companies in their green transition as well as support the national goals. Such a transition will lead to companies reducing their waste, material, and energy costs, which in turn will help the financial development of the region as there will be less dependency on external energy. The reduction of costs will also help companies recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the project is to support companies in their green transition, by supporting the use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Thus, the project also aims to reduce CO2 emission by utilizing low carbon solutions and by enhancing energy and materials efficiency. The project is part of Central Ostrobothnias’ Smart specialization. 

Pilot cases 

Pilot A – Side stream synergies 
The focus is on discovering different types of potential synergies between companies in energy production. Combining side streams there is the possibility of companies gaining higher profits. By conduction profitability calculations we can define the distances in which there is sense to transport side streams to energy production sites. 

Pilot B – Internal side stream cycle 
Find the potentials in wasted energy and side stream utilization of a company’s internal cycles. Eg. gardens heating, brewery CO2 collection 

Pilot C – Energy storage 
Developing energy storing. Further developing the energy storing from the EVAKOT project. Developing the software and autonomy of the system. Measuring the potential and enhancing the efficiency. 


Mira Valkjärvi
