GREENER – Clustering Remote Regions for Energy Resilience and Growth
Branch: Chemistry and bioeconomy
Duration: 1.7.2021-30.6.2022
Region: International
Financed by: Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme
Project Manager: Heidi Kanala-Salminen

Sustainable energy provision has become a fundamental priority in the agenda of NPA regions. The impact that climate change has on the reliability and performance of energy systems, joined with factors like peripherality, low population density, sparse settlements, migration, extreme climates, distances, accessibility, and over reliance on fossil fuels, has resulted in comparatively higher energy costs for domestic, business and public consumers with a consequential adverse impact on economic competitiveness.
The GREENER project addresses these challenges by clustering that will use their GREENER 3 NPA projects’ (SMARCTIC, LECo and h-CHP) collective capacity and complementarity to increase awareness, gain critical mass, and transfer knowledge about the latest energy solutions to public authorities, communities, and businesses across the NPA.
The project brings together Lead Partners from 3 NPA projects who have complementary skillsets and address similar themes and territorial challenges. 20 project partners have also joined as Associate Partners. The partnership consists of 1 EU network, 7 knowledge centres, 5 municipalities, 4 regional authorities, 3 energy agencies, 2 community energy cooperatives, and1 economic development agency, who are all end users and/or have direct links to end users. The partners will optimise collaboration initiatives to connect end users across regions and increase transnational cooperation.
GREENER will establish a critical mass of energy efficient and renewable solutions. An integrated approach to dissemination will achieve wider implementation and increased scalability of energy efficient resources in housing and public infrastructures across the NPA Programme area. This maximizes the transnational impact on local-level end user groups by widening the scope for transnational cooperation to other beneficiaries.