KOHT’INNO promotes co-operation between enterprises in Central Ostrobothnia in the development and adoption of new technologies for wellness and health
Branch: Entrepreneurship and business
Duration: 1.2.2024-30.11.2024
Region: Central Ostrobothnia
Financed by: Keski-Pohjanmaan liitto (AKKE)
Project Manager: Heidi Hintsala
KOHT’INNO helps to identify and utilize expertise from different sectors and find innovative ways to apply technology in the social, health and wellness sectors. The project aims to strengthen the region’s RDI competence and create new business, while promoting the development of Central Ostrobothnia as an innovation region and creating opportunities for new jobs.
The project promotes multidisciplinary co-operation between companies in the region and the identification of potential applications for technological solutions. In addition, KOHT’INNO aims to raise awareness of the opportunities offered by wellness and health technologies among service providers and to strengthen regional RDI activities, especially in the areas of digital health services.
KOHT’INNO will strengthen the region’s innovation ecosystem in health and wellness technologies, enabling the development and exploitation of new technologies. The aim is to meet the needs of businesses in the region and create conditions for the emergence of new business in the health and wellness sector.