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European Social Fund logo Leverage from the EU 2014-2020 logo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment


The aim of the LEAN-telecommuting project is to improve the capability of small and medium-sized enterprises to manage their business in a new operating context that favors telework.

Branch: Production technology

Duration: 1.9.2021 – 31.8.2023

Region: Central Ostrobothnia

Financed by: Euroopean social fund
The Center of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment

Project Manager: Elisa Saarela

The aim of the LEAN-telecommuting project is to improve the capability of small and medium-sized enterprises to manage their business in a new operating context that favors telework. The project will develop and train solutions based on LEAN methods, management methodologies and digital technologies for SMEs so that they can be used to manage the operations of key business processes. The project will result in new concrete tools and methods that will be implemented in companies. The developed operating models are conceptualized and documented in a form that allows the results generated in the project to be shared with the companies involved in the project during and after the project.

Trainings, workshops and sparring events for companies organized by the project:

Spring 2022

LEAN -telecommuting technology training

Summer-Autumn 2022

Fact sheets for companies to define business processes and critical control points on those

Autumn 2022

Sparring events for the selection development of suitable process control methods

Winter 2022-2023

Implementation of pilots, data collection Analyzing pilots, evaluation and further development

REACT-EU-projects are funded as part of European union’s COVID-19-pandemic recovery activities.


Elisa Saarela
