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Serviisi – Utilization of digitalisation and new generation robotics in SMEs

Branch: Production technology

Region: Central Ostrobothnia

Financed by: European Union European Regional Development Fund, Central Ostrobothnia Association

Budget: Development 323 242 EUR, Investment: 153 300 EUR

Further information: Jouni Vähäsöyrinki, +358 44 7250251,

Project Manager: Jouni Vähäsöyrinki


Finland has been left behind from other EU-countries in utilization of digitalisation even though we have excellent preparedness for it. Our energy maintenance is stable, the infrastructure of data transfer is advanced, education level is high and, in general, we have a positive attitude towards new technologies. Low level of utilization is caused by the lack of knowledge in new technological solutions and their benefits, lack of application know-how, as well as low will of investment in within companies.

Digitalisation and new generation robotics offer plenty of opportunities for business profitability development. Serviisi-project responds to the need for small and medium-sized companies to become familiar with technologies by demonstrating and simulating the performance of equipment and applications in their actual environments – and reducing investment risks. At the same time, the research, development and innovation infrastructure of the latest robotics, automation and simulation technology is developed, to serve versatilely both training in the region and the research and development activities closely related to it.

The investment section strengthens the research environment of Centria’s production and product development technology through the acquisition of mobile demonstration and research equipment.

The purpose of the development section is to produce new information based on applied research on the potential for exploiting advanced robot technologies and to promote technology investments in SMEs in the region.

Serviisi-project is carried out in cooperation with the The Federation of Education in Central Ostrobothnia (Kpedu).

ERDF: development 323 242 €,
Investment: 153 300 € (Central Ostrobothnia Association, Kosek, Kase, Kannus)


The aim of the project is to produce information based on applied research of digitalisation and its utilization in companies through practical piloting and demonstrations.

The project seeks and creates new innovative ways to apply new generation robotics and advanced automation, in addition to developing a new type of agile and mobile service concept, as well as the necessary research and development environment.

The aim of the project is to create a new business based on the exploitation of digitalisation as well as to create competitiveness for businesses and value for end customers. In addition, the project aims to activate development and innovation activities within companies.


The project acquires such robots and equipment as collaborative robot and mobile robot platform for interacting with human to complete the tasks of the project. In addition, the training and development environments of Kpedu and other partners’ robots are utilized. By simulating the production lines and processes using a simulation software the benefits of technology investments can be predicted and evaluated before making investment decisions. The project also aims to develop a new kind of service concept that will be piloted during the project. This concept enables rapid and flexible transfer of technology and expertise to companies while improving the effectiveness of a developer organization.

Expected outcome

Contact information

Jouni Vähäsöyrinki
Project manager
+358 44 7250251

In cooperation