Information on the institution
Centria University of Applied Sciences
Centria University of Applied Sciences
Talonpojankatu 2
67100 Kokkola
Tel. +358 6 868 0200
Email: info@centria.fi
Erasmus Code: SF Kokkola05
Centria University of Applied Sciences is a multidisciplinary, dynamic and international higher education institution. We are located in Western Finland, in three towns: Kokkola, Ylivieska and Pietarsaari.
We offer students a wide choice of educational opportunities, practically oriented teaching methods and good connections to the professional world. The study environment is innovative, caring and multicultural, with students from all over the world.
Centria is a young higher education institution, with about 4,400 students and 330 staff members.
Centria offers 40 degree programmes in five different fields of study. Our fields of study are:
- Technology
- Business Management
- Health Care and Social Services
- Culture
- Humanities and Education
Eight of our bachelor programmes and two of our master’s programmes are taught in English. We also offer cultural and intercultural communication courses taught in English, as well as Finnish and Swedish language courses.
With about 900 international students, both degree-seeking and exchange students, internationalisation is one of our core values. About 21 percent of our degree-seeking students are international students, coming from around 40 different countries. In addition, every year we welcome around 80 exchange students from all parts of the world to Centria. At Centria you will experience a truly international atmosphere.
Read more about the organisation of Centria here.
Academic authorities
Director (Education):
Jari Isohanni
Email addresses: firstname.lastname@centria.fi
- Head of Chemical Engineering: Jana Holm
- Head of Information Technology: Henry Paananen
- Head of Electrical and Automation engineering: Hannu Leppälä
- Head of Industrial Management: Marja-Liisa Kaakko
- Head of Technology Administration (Master’s level): Pekka Makkonen
Business Management
- Head of Business Administration: Tuija Tolonen-Kytölä
- Head of Business Management (Master’s level): Marko Ovaskainen
Health Care and Social Services
- Head of Nursing: Timo Kinnunen
- Head of Social services: Pirjo Forss-Pennanen, Ph.D. (Education)
- Head of Social and Health Care Development and Management (Master’s level): Annukka Kukkola
Humanities and education
- Civic activities and youth work: Vesa Nuorva
- Head of Music: Annika Mylläri
Studies in English for exchange students
Four of Centria’s Bachelor-level programmes taught in English are open for exchange students. These programmes are:
- Degree programme in Business Administration in Kokkola
- Degree programme in Chemical Engineering in Kokkola
- Degree programme in Information Technology in Kokkola and
- Degree programme in Industrial Management in Kokkola
And our programme in Music offers individualized exchange opportunities for students in classical music, folk music or pop and jazz music.
Exchange students can choose from 2nd, 3rd and 4th year courses from these programmes, and in addition to these courses, all international students can follow courses special designed for them:
- Finnish for International Students
- Swedish for International Students
- Finnish Society and Culture
- Getting Global and Local
Centria also offers internship possibilities in the following fields:
- Nursing
- Social Work
- Technology
A student can apply for credit transfer on previously completed studies. However, if the completed studies are prerequisite for UAS study, they do not qualify for credit transfer. Further information about credit transfers of previously completed studies is available from the Student affairs officer at your unit.
The student can also apply for RPL (AHOT in Finnish) procedure (Recognition of prior learning) which means that other than formal education can also qualify as credit transfer. This can be knowledge acquired through work, hobbies, positions of trust etc.
Recognition of prior learning is grounded in competency-based thinking. The specific competency and the outcome of the learning process are crucial here, not the consideration of how and where the competency, knowledge, and skills were acquired. Learning and competencies may originate in the most versatile situations, through both formal and everyday learning, also in the working life. Thus the individual has the right to apply for the recognition of his or her prior learning regardless of how he or she acquired it. (Universities Finland UNIFI and the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences, 2009.)
RPL application
The student draws up and submits an application, in which he or she can include documents showing evidence of prior learning. The materials that can be used as evidence of learning are the following
- information about completing previous studies successfully, with certificates attached;
- other certificates about taking part in instruction and education;
- work certificates issued by employers;
- accounts of achievements and skills by the student, which may have produced knowledge and skills related to the learning outcomes in question;
- copies of reports and documents produced by the student;
- copies of presentations held previously by the student;
- copies of other materials produced by the student.
The completion of one academic year’s study requires an average input of 1600 hours equating to 60 ECTS credits.
Studies are organized for students to achieve 60 credits per academic year. One academic year comprises 40 weeks.
The student must complete his/her studies within the allotted time framework mentioned below according to degree regulation.
Bachelor’s degrees: Engineering & Music
- Scope of UAS degree (ECTS credits): 240
- Suggested time of study (years): 3.5-4.0
Bachelor’s degrees: Nursing & Business
- Scope of UAS degree (ECTS credits): 210
- Suggested time of study (years): 3.5
Master’s degrees
- Scope of UAS degree (ECTS credits): 60 – 90
- Suggested time of study (years): 1 – 1.5
Technology, Communications and Transport degree programmes and the Public Health Nurse option in the Social Services, Health Care and Sports degree programme are structured to take 4 academic years which require 240 ECTS credits.
Studies for the Music degree programme are structured to take 4 academic years of full-time study requiring 240 ECTS credits of which 60 credits represent teaching studies.
Social Sciences, Business and Administration degree programmes, Humanities and Education degree programmes, Nursing and Bachelor of Social Sciences option in Social Services, Health Care and Sports degree programme are structured to take 3½ academic years of full-time study which require 210 ECTS credits.
Polytechnic postgraduate Master’s Degrees are structured and organized so that in Technology, Communications and Transport degree programmes and in Culture degree programme they comprise 60 ECTS credits to be completed in 2 years’ time, and in other fields of education they comprise 90 ECTS credits to be completed in 3 years’ time. In this case, studies are part-time.
In the university of applied sciences, the completion of one academic year’s study requires an average input of 1600 hours equating to 60 ECTS credits.
The student must complete his/her studies within the allotted time framework mentioned above according to degree regulations. If there are special grounds, students may apply for an extension from the university of applied sciences’ rector or a person authorized by the rector.
Courses are graded as follows:
5 = Excellent
4 = Good
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Satisfactory
0 = Fail
S = Passed
A student who has enrolled for a course but does not complete it, receives grade fail (0). A numerical course grade cannot be changed to passed (S).
When recognition of prior learning (RPL) is applied, courses completed at the university of applied sciences or abroad are validated based on the grades awarded, provided this is possible. Likewise, informal and non-formal prior learning are graded by grades 1-5. Grade passed (S) is only used if a numerical grade is not purposeful.
Failed courses may be retaken no more than twice, however within a maximum period of one year from the course termination, at a date specified by the unit. The grade of a passed course may be upgraded only once, and this is to be done within a maximum period of one year from the course termination. Upgrading is not possible in courses that include an artistic process. The grade of bachelor’s thesis cannot be upgraded.
Centria UAS offers continuous guidance to the student all the way from admission through education to graduation and employment.
The main objectives of this guidance are independent study planning on part of the student, smooth progress through studies, degree programme completion within the established time framework and support for the student’s professional growth. This guidance intends to underline the importance of student responsibility for and commitment to individual studies and career planning.
Every student within Centria UAS constitutes a vital component in the whole learning and guidance structure. Each member of staff has a duty to guide and support the student.
Tutorage comprising student and teacher supervisors’ forms part of the guidance system at Centria UAS. Study guidance and tutorage provide assistance to new students in matters relating to their studies. The aim is to clarify questions regarding study procedures and improve the student’s planning and performance where necessary.
Personal study plan
A personal study plan (PSP) allows students to plan and monitor their studies. PSP is drawn up on the basis of the student’s curricula which can be found from SoleOPS. Drawing up and updating the PSP is the student’s responsibility, but the guidance may, where necessary, be available for example, from your teacher tutor or study counsellor.
Information on programmes
Studies in English for exchange students
Information on studies for exchange students during academic year 22/23 can be found here.
Degree programmes conducted in English:
Degree programmes conducted in Finnish:
Individual course units can be found here.
General information for students
International Partnerships & Exchange
The International Partnerships & Exchange Office deals with student mobility and relations with partner universities.
Contact informationStudent Services
Student Services help students in matters related to study affairs, for example, guidance and degree certificates.
Student ServicesCentria’s International Office will book accommodation to all the incoming exchange students. All student accommodation facilities are located within short distance from where the campuses. Accommodation is in shared apartments (2 – 3 students in the same flat, with a private room). The rent varies from 200 to 300€/month. Students also need to pay a refundable security deposit.
All campuses have student cafeterias where you can buy coffee, snacks and hot meals. As a degree student or an exchange student in a university of applied sciences, you are eligible for a discounted meal. You can get the student discount by showing a valid Finnish student card or meal subsidy card at the restaurant. Meal Subsidy card is provided by the university.
The cost of living in Finland is on average comparable to the rest of Europe. In this section you will get a glimpse of what kind of budget you should expect.
You have to be aware of that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible for an international student who does not know any Finnish to get a part time job in small cities like Kokkola, Ylivieska and Pietarsaari. Therefore it is crucial that you have taken care of your financial issues so that you can afford to stay in Finland even if you will not get any job during your studies.
Basically, for expenses such as rent, food and personal costs, you will need approximately 560 Euros per month, that is 12 x 560 = 6 720 Euros for ONE year.
- Rent 180 – 280 Euros
- Food 150 – 250 Euros
- Books, equipment and materials 50 Euros
- Leisure, other personal costs 85 – 150 Euros
= Total 465- 720 Euros
Please note that this doesn’t include your travel from your home country nor any private travel in Finland. To these costs, you can also add the purchase of a second hand bicycle (around 100 Euros), the purchase of bed clothing, curtains and kitchen equipment for your apartment.
Banks are usually open Monday to Friday from 10.00 till 16.30. Money can be exchanged at any bank in Finland although it is wise to exchange large amounts at a time to avoid service charges. Major credit cards are generally accepted everywhere in Finland.
International students can open an account in any bank in Finland by presenting one valid ID (passport) and a certificate showing that the student is enrolled to Centria UAS. To open an account, you need to visit the bank branch in person.
Cash Machines (ATM) in Finland are called OTTO and NOSTO, and they are easily recognized by their orange- and yellow-coloured signs.
The financial support applies only to degree students.
Finnish citizens can get student financial aid provided by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela).
Non-citizens of Finland can get financial aid for studies in Finland if they live in Finland on a permanent basis for a purpose other than studying. This requires that they are registered as a permanent resident in the Finnish population register system. The purpose of residence in Finland is determined by reference to such matters as the residence permit, registration or acceptance to an educational institution. Applications for financial aid must be accompanied by the appendix form OT10 for foreign residents.
If you come to Finland solely for the purpose of attending a school, you cannot get Finnish student financial aid.
Health care
The health centre is responsible for administering student healthcare. In accordance with clause 6 of §14 of the national health law “the health centre shall administer, regardless of the student’s domicile, student healthcare which shall comprise the monitoring of health conditions within an educational institute, student healthcare, medical care and dental care (21.8.1998/647)”. However, this only applies to EU citizens.
Each education unit has a qualified nurse to whom a student may refer at the health centre in non-urgent matters during medical consultation times. More information about healthcare contact staff is available from the Student Affairs Office at your unit of study.
Information about other well-being resources of Centria can be found here.
Any student who submits a residence permit application after 1.9.2007 must attach details of their comprehensive health insurance cover to their application. Comprehensive insurance cover means insurance which includes the types of treatment and costs that are covered by municipal health care services and the health insurance system.
It is a precondition for obtaining a residence permit that the student has valid health insurance cover with a reliable and solvent company or institution.
- For studies of less than two years in duration, a student must have private insurance which primarily covers the costs of medical treatment up to 100,000 euros (cost level in 2007).
- Where the duration of the studies is two years or more, a student will usually have a home municipality in Finland and is therefore entitled to municipal health care services. In such cases, it is sufficient for the insurance to primarily cover the cost of medicines (in practice the cover extends to doctor’s fees and costs of treatment and examination), up to 30,000 euros (cost level in 2007).
A student must have insurance cover when applying for a residence permit as without it a residence permit cannot be granted. A residence permit cannot be issued for a period exceeding the period of the insurance cover.
Read more about the insurarances on Migri’s website.
Barrier-free studying refers to the carrying out of physical, mental and social environment of the university so that it will be possible for every student to learn equally with others irrespective of their properties. The accessibility of the learning environment and teaching is especially important to those students who have an injury or difficulties in the learning such as dyslexia, difficulties in the mathematics or difficulties which are related to the learning of languages, and to the ones that are members of cultural and linguistic minorities.
Services related to the accessibility of studying and teaching are developed actively in the Centria UAS. The whole staff takes care of the matters which are related to the accessibility of studies and barrier-free studying. For additional information about the barrier-free studying, please contact the study secretaries in the Student Affairs Office.
Campuses and campus towns
Our three campuses are located in beautiful Finnish towns: Kokkola, Pietarsaari and Ylivieska. Students of our English conducted degree programmes study on our Kokkola and Pietarsaari campuses.
Campuses and campus townsStudent mobility
Centria is one of the most international universities in Finland. Centria has approximately 130 co-operative universities around the world where you can apply to both short exchanges and longer-term tuition exchanges.
Student mobilityPractical information
General Information about study exchange at Centria 2022-2023 can be found here.
All of the degree programmes include compulsory language courses and in addition, the students can choose from Centria’s common elective language studies. These studies include courses of Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, German, Russian, French and Chinese alongside with culture studies like Getting Local and Global and Finnish Society and Culture.
You can find more information here.
Practical training is an essential part of UAS studies. It is included in all fields of education and in all degree programmes. Students primarily complete their practical training in a work environment that is related to their field of education.
You can find more information on practical training for Centria’s students here.
You can find more information on practical training for exchange students here.
When it comes to sports and leisure activities in Kokkola, there are many things you can do. Besides music, art and theater, you can do almost any sport from ice hockey to football and floorball. Swimming Centre VesiVeijari offers spa-standard facilities for swimmers. From Lohtaja in Kokkola you can find the longest sand beach in the Nordic Countries and good winds for kitesurfers. Nature is present offering good opportunities for e.g. fishing and paddling. There are many gyms in town and some of them offer nice student discounts.
Read more about what Kokkola has to offer to students here!
Student Union COPSA exists to promote the interests of students in Centria University of Applied Sciences. COPSA also recruits and trains the student tutors, organizes sport turns for students and organizes all kinds of events and sport tournaments.