Three profit responsibility areas
The personnel of our university of applied sciences work within three profit responsibility areas: teaching, research, development, and innovation (RDI), and higher education services. Each area consists of multiple teams, each focusing on a specific function within our organisation. These teams are composed of professionals in various roles, with the most common positions and responsibilities outlined below at a general level.
The diverse range of roles and the varying levels of responsibility across positions provide our personnel with natural career and development paths, offering opportunities for professional growth.
A part-time teacher teaches subjects in accordance with their substance competence in addition to their own full-time work. Full-time work may be outside of Centria or in Centria in some other capacity. A part-time teacher has less than 760 hours of work per academic year.
A full-time non-tenured teacher teaches classes in their own field of teaching to students. A non-tenured teacher is full-time if he or she teaches more than 760 hours per academic year.
A lecturer is in permanent employment and works full-time. The lecturer is required to have an appropriate master’s degree, sufficient knowledge and experience in their own field of teaching, as well as pedagogical qualifications (or the opportunity to complete it).
A principal lecturer works in permanent employment full-time. The position must include either a licentiate or doctoral degree, sufficient competence and experience, pedagogical competence and a development task defined by the employer. The main focus of the position is on the integration of teaching and RDI, project and development activities, scientific publications, internationality, national and international networks and other possible responsibilities. A principal lecturer has teaching and guidance and also develops teaching or does administrative duties.
Research, develop and innovation (RDI)
Person acting in an expert role. Able to work independently, but does not bear the main responsibility for the implementation of the project.
Works, for example, as a project manager or in a demanding expert role. Also participates in project preparation, development of project activities or development of services.
Independently and actively develops Centria’s RDI activities, e.g. by preparing new projects or designing new services. Not in a superior position. Participates in regional development work, e.g. through various working partys. Can also work as a project manager.
Directors and managers are responsible for large, strategic and significant entities that span the entire University of Applied Sciences, or processes, operations and strategic sub-entities, or a team and operations. Includes responsibility for economy and often a superior role.
Higher education services
A designer, advisor, or an assistant provides support, plans, and practical solutions for a variety of needs. Often they are responsible for multidimensional problems and make key independent decisions about acquiring and deepening knowledge and finding solutions or supporting teams.
A specialist and controller provide in-depth knowledge in a specific field, helping the organisation or customers solve complex problems and make strategic decisions. Some of the tasks involve independent decision-making, which has an economic and operational impact.
A senior specialist acts as an in-depth specialist in their field and leads the implementation of strategic and demanding entities in the organization. They are responsible for solving complex problems and act as an advisor to senior management or clients in their area of expertise. Coordinators and service supervisors are responsible for the management, implementation and services of a specific area in support of superiors.
Directors and managers are responsible for large, strategic and significant entities that span the entire University of Applied Sciences, or processes, operations and strategic sub-entities, or a team and operations. Includes responsibility for economy and often a superior role.