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Co-funded by the European Union
Oikeassa reunassa näkyy, kun miehen kädet kirjoittavat tietokoneella. Edessä erilaisia digiaiheisia infograafeja, Vasemmassa yläreunassa banneria näkyy osa EU-lippua.

EUBoost – boosting private sector EU-funding

The main objectives of the EUBoost project are to strengthen the innovation processes of companies in the Central Ostrobothnia region and to create a strong basis for utilization of international innovation ecosystems and EU funding in development activities.

Branch: Entrepreneurship and business

Duration: 1.9.2024 – 31.8.2026

Region: Central Ostrobothnia / National

Financed by: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Central Ostrobothnia Regional Council

Project Manager: Leena Toivanen

The project shares the EU expertise of the implementers and encourages and guides companies to participate in EU projects. Companies are provided with concrete, grassroots-level information about their potential to participate in projects, application processes, and funding channels, as well as practical insights on how to operate within them.

During the project, companies will be introduced to and provided with low-threshold pathways that make innovation activities both meaningful and inspiring, while also supporting skills such as generating and realizing new ideas. Additionally, the project will help create a regional operating model for developing innovations in the context of Horizon and other direct European Commission project calls and their preparations.

Centria coordinates and implements the project together with the Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. The project involves experienced EU funding experts who have experience both as applicants for projects and in the role of evaluating EU applications at the European level.

Based on the experiences gathered during the project, it will be possible to organize innovation activities in the region and create an expert network for acquiring international funding, with a shared goal, identified responsibilities, and roles. The project will also make the region’s active innovation activities and the competence clusters built around them visible both nationally and internationally. These actions will raise the region’s profile and attract skilled labor in the future as well.


Leena Toivanen