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News for students

The Centraali landing page is being updated

As of Monday 22 January, the Centraali homepage will be updated to the Centria website, and the layout of the page will be the same as on the rest of the Centria website.

The links will be presented in the same way on the new page, with student links on their own line and personnel links on their own.

The change does not require any action from personnel or students, as using the old link will automatically redirect you to the new page.

As the page moves to our website, language versions will be introduced, so the Centraali homepage will have a Finnish version and an English version. The language version can be easily changed on the website via the FI/EN menu at the top of the page. You can save the language version you want in your browser bookmarks.

The Helpdesk link on the page will now take you to this page, where you will find contact details, opening hours, instructions and links.

Centraali FI address:
Centraali EN address: