WIHI — Thesis Guidance System has been introduced at Centria
Centria has a thesis managing and supervising system Wihi. It has been introduced this fall.
You can find Wihi from Peppi, click symbol W. Detailed information on the use of Wihi can be found in the updated Thesis and academic writing guide https://libguides.centria.fi/centriaguideforthesis . The address of the guide has changed, so it is worth updating it to your own information.
In Wihi, the thesis process begins with the student’s subject proposal, which is approved by the coordinator (the Head of the Degree Programme or the person authorized by him/her) and your thesis project by will have the advisors. All documentation of your thesis will be in Wihi system. Those who have already started their thesis will continue without Wihi if the advisor won’t guide you othervise.
The plagiarism check system has also changed, in use is now Turnitin. The Thesis contract package has also been introduced at Centria. In Theseus we have open and restricted collection. If the author does not want thesis to be openly read, it can be uploaded in restricted collection. Metadata, such as author, name and abstract, are openly displayed on the restricted collection. Access to the restricted collection is available from computers on Centria’s network.