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SICu – Sustainable Industrial Construction and Simulation

The project aims to create a data-driven and simulated industrial operating model for sustainable wood construction business.

Branch: Production technology

Duration: 1.4.2022 – 31.3.2025

Region: National

Financed by: Business Finland

Project Manager: Juho Valkola

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The aim of SICu-project is to develop a solution to improve the productivity, quality and assessment of environmental impacts of the construction business.

The project progresses sequentially first by defining the sustainable industrial operating model and integrable digital twin, and then by creating the operational simulations, to simulate construction projects and to develop the competence of personnel. The project will also prepare a plan for introduction and implementation of the sustainable industrial operating model on construction industry. The sustainable industrial operating model enables the development of new innovations and accelerates the digitalization on construction.

lehto, climecon, elvak, centria ja oulun yliopisto logot


Juho Valkola