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Student Satisfaction Among Centria Graduates Remains High in the AVOP Survey

The results of the 2024 national student satisfaction survey (AVOP) have been published, and the satisfaction of students graduating from Centria University of Applied Sciences remains at a high level. Differences between universities of applied sciences are minimal.

Students sitting together in the amphi of Kokkola campus

According to the AVOP survey results, students graduating from Centria University of Applied Sciences were once again highly satisfied with their studies. Among graduates with a bachelor’s degree (AMK), Centria’s average score across all questions was 5.5 on a scale of 1 to 7. The highest average score, 5.6, was achieved by Lapland University of Applied Sciences. However, the differences between universities of applied sciences are very small.

– Students graduating from Centria continue to be highly satisfied with their university. It is noteworthy that universities of applied sciences have managed to increase student satisfaction despite significant reductions in funding in recent years, says Jennie Elfving, Vice Rector responsible for education.

In the comparison of bachelor’s degrees (AMK), Centria ranked 8th, while in the comparison of master’s degrees (YAMK), it ranked 5th. Nationally, Centria performs best in the comparison of engineering fields and in the satisfaction of students pursuing a second degree. Student feedback is extremely valuable to Centria and is actively used in the development of education.

Students at universities of applied sciences provide feedback on their education at the time of graduation through the national AVOP survey, which includes 101 questions across thirteen different areas. The AVOP survey is an important tool for improving the quality of operations at universities of applied sciences and is also one of the funding indicators. The development of the survey framework is overseen by Arene ry.

For more information, contact

Jennie Elfving

