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The project’s mission is to create a national data economy cluster for agricultural data economy through a collaboration of RDI actors. This will modernize rural economy and accelerate the adoption of digital and innovative solutions. The data economy incubator and its networks will generate new business, especially for SMEs in the sector (including farms and micro-enterprises).

Branch: Digitalisation

Duration: 1.1.2024-31.12.2025

Region: National

Financed by: The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2023-2027

Project Manager: Leni Forsberg

The project’s mission is to create a national data economy cluster for agricultural data economy through a collaboration of RDI actors. This will modernize rural economy and accelerate the adoption of digital and innovative solutions. The data economy incubator and its networks will generate new business, especially for SMEs in the sector (including farms and micro-enterprises).

European societies are implementing new data-connected infrastructures for networked data management, so-called data spaces, whose rules of the game are based on new EU legislation. This development will open up new, fair and reliable data exchange service mechanisms for small data owners and companies developing data-driven applications, based on common rules of the game.

Companies and end-users of data services participating in the data economy incubator will learn to identify their own and community data-related business opportunities. They will learn how to develop new data economy businesses and adopt new data exchange services offered by data spaces.

The know-how and the latest research results gathered and refined in the project among the project promoters will be shared with the whole industry (e.g. enterprises, administrations, advisory organizations, the whole AKIS network). The results of the project will be sector-independent, i.e. fully scalable.

The project is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2023-2027. The subsidy is 100 %.

Project partners: Centria University of Applied Sciences, Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä, Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Contact information

Leni Forsberg