DAPP – Digital Age Production Park
Digital Age Production Park is a new kind of environment for developing manufacturing industries in the digital era.
Branch: Production technology
Duration: 01.05.2018 – 31.03.2020
Region: North Ostrobothnia
Financed by: European union European Regional Development Fund, Council of Oulu Region
Budget: 400 500 EUR
Further information: Jorma Hintikka, TKI-päällikkö, 044 449 2637, jorma.hintikka@centria.fi
Project Manager: Esko Sääskilahti
Digital Age Production Park is a new kind of environment for developing manufacturing industries in the digital era. It is a consortium of companies, universities and different business developers, that offers the best possible national and international competence for start-up and existing micro, small and medium-sized manufacturing companies to develop their operations.
The Production Park operations will be accomplished by a FORGE CONCEPT. Two university forges have their own responsible university. The third actor is Sievi Industry Park Ltd. that is responsible for developing the comprehensive service processes of Production Park. Both forges will network actively with Finnish and European universities and other professionals of their own field of expertise. The forges form a comprehensive entirety by which the newest expertise of industrial production operations can be harnessed to the development of micro-, small- and medium-sized companies.
The clear big goal
The clear big goal of Digital Production Park is the growth of manufacturing business and the improvement of productivity. The aim is to bring about these through three routes: • enhancing the birth of new manufacturing start-ups, e.g. a model how big international companies can enhance the birth, growth and internationalization of new manufacturing companies, will be developed • creating operations and operative environments that activate existing companies to transform to be eager and able to grow • harnessing the Finnish and European top expertise of technology and business in manufacturing industry as well as supporting of growth and internationalization, to increase the growth of the existing growth companies.
The second big goal
The second big goal is to build up such operative environments, methods and activities that create prerequisites for Finnish manufacturing companies to go in the front line of the ongoing great transformation of industry, the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).
The third big goal
The third big goal is to combine the expertise of the European professional networks and Finnish scientific universities and universities of applied sciences into networks, from where the newest knowledge and expertise, as effectively as possible, move to be the expertise of manufacturing companies of Oulu Region, especially in the following business areas: • Future production technologies, simulation, virtual production. EXPERIMENT FORGE, the responsible university: Centria University of Applied Sciences • New business models, systematic innovation development, competitiveness. BUSINESS FORGE, the responsible university: University of Oulu • Growth and internationalization. The responsible actor: Sievi Industry Park.
In Digital Production Park, new models and environments for remote cooperation will be planned and experimented. As companies, universities and other cooperating partners are located physically far away from each other, the maximal utilization of the newest technologies and methods enabled by the digitalization, will be deployed.