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European Regional Development Fund 2013-2020 logo Leverage from the EU 2014-2020 logo Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liiton logo


Hankkeen ytimessä on robotisoidun pintakäsittelyn osaamisen, ketterien ohjelmointitapojen sekä demonstraatioiden tulosten siirto yrityskentälle hyödyntäen virtuaali- ja etäteknologioita.

Branch: Production technology

Duration: 1.4.2022-31.8.2023

Region: North Ostrobothnia

Financed by: ERDF
Council of Oulu

Project Manager: Jenni Helander

The project is combining robotics and coating knowledge in order to create added value to the SMEs in the region. The goal SMEs are today making coating manually in many applications. This is causing problems for ergonomy, effectiveness and carbon footprint. This project will also utilize simulations, virtual reality, and data-analysis parallel with robotics. While taking these latest technologies in use Centria will be creating a development environment to enhance SMEs in this topic. This development environment will be located into the coating laboratory of Centria in Ylivieska. It is based on the earlier knowledge creation projects in national and international level and earlier robotics investment of Centria.


Jenni Helander