e-GOTHAM is driven by the sustained increase in energy demand and intends to make an impact on the societal challenge of Smart Buildings and Communities of the Future.
Toimiala: Digitalisaatio
Projektin kesto: 02.01.2012 – 31.12.2015
Toiminta-alue: Kansainvälinen
Rahoittajat: European Commission, ARTEMIS
Lisätiedot: Mikko Himanka, +358 44 4492537, mikko.himanka@centria.fi
Projektipäällikkö: Mikko Himanka
e-GOTHAM aims to implement a new aggregated energy demand model by increasing management efficiency, raising energy consumption awareness and stimulating the development of a leading-edge market for energy-efficient technologies with new business models. Recognising the need, within the energy industry, to optimise the integration of distributed energy sources, storage components and new consumer energy needs, e-GOTHAM proposes a new open reference design and architecture and will develop a middleware with seamless connectivity to optimise and manage microgrids in the residential, services and industrial sectors. e-GOTHAM is driven by the sustained increase in energy demand and intends to make an impact on the societal challenge of Smart Buildings and Communities of the Future through an open microgrid solution that contributes to sustainability and energy efficiency. Also, e-GOTHAM intends to achieve cross-sectoral re-usability of embedded systems and reduce the cost of system design, decrease development cycles and manage complexity with less effort. e-GOTHAM aims to create an ecosystem to attract those relevant stakeholders willing to elaborate on project results and thus generate new products and services.
Project main site
Smart Network Management
Integration of DER
Integration of large scale RES
Aggregation (Demand Response; VPP)
Smart Customer and Smart Home
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle2Grid applications
Smart metering
Leading Organisation:
Partner Organisations:
Municipality of Ylivieska
Salerno Energia
Smart Grid Norway
Nord-Trøndelag Elektrisitetsverk AS (NTE)
KES Italy
University of Sannio
Skeleton Technologies Ltd.
Centria University of Applied Sciences
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
SINTEF Energy Research
Tecnalia Research & Innovation
Technical University of Madrid
Estonia, Spain, Finland, Italy, Norway
Mikko Himanka
Project manager
+358 44 4492537