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EVGA – Electric Vehicles Goes Arctic!

Develop and implement an arctic testing environment, including latest wireless data transfer technologies.

Toimiala: Digitalisaatio

Projektin kesto: 01.01.2014 – 31.12.2015

Toiminta-alue: Kansallinen

Rahoittajat: TEKES

Lisätiedot: Marjo Heikkilä, +358 44 4492507,

Projektipäällikkö: Sakari Nokela

About the project

• EVGA- project aims for arctic operability for electric vehicles and related infrastructure.
• We will develop and demonstrate electric vehicles smart charging systems, intelligent
testing solutions and digital environment for retail services.
• In the far north Finland, taking extreme and harsh conditions into consideration is crucial for all engineering projects.
• When a product or service is designed and tested to withstand the frigid temperatures, it will perform in any operating conditions.

Project information

Contact information

Sakari Nokela
Development manager
+358 40 7299933
More info: (not in use)