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Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Co-funded by the European Union logo


Demonstrating New Generation Robotics and Smart Manufacturing to SMEs in the NPA Region.

Toimiala: Tuotantoteknologia

Projektin kesto: 1.12.2022 – 30.11.2025

Toiminta-alue: Kansainvälinen

Rahoittajat: Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic
Lapin liitto

Projektipäällikkö: Heidi Kaartinen

Lapin Liitto logo

The project aim of RoboDemo – Demonstrating New Generation Robotics and Smart Manufacturing to SMEs in the NPA Region is to develop and pilot an efficient and cross-national technology transfer model that supports companies in the NPA area. It involves new generation robotics and i4.0 technologies to provide key solutions to the challenges of the project region. These solutions have recently proved to have a great cost-benefit ratio to invest in.

As a result, the increased competitiveness and innovation are being expected within the manufacturing companies.

Teams visiting Centria
RoboDemo teams visiting Centria in January 2023.

The project is co-funded funded by the European Union, Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic programme.


Total budget € 1 452 393

EU Funding € 892 120


12/2022 – 11/2025

“I see your expertise as a significant benefit to our company’s knowledge development in this area (robotics) – thanks to you and the team!”
"What made the project particularly interesting was that it was purely tailored to our needs and very concrete. All in all, very inspiring and forward-looking!"
"The team were very friendly, open & knowledgeable throughout the project". "Having the AIM Centre conveniently located in Sligo is an excellent support to us & other local organisations in the area".
"During the project, I gained a lot of new knowledge about robotics and its potential. A competent team identified my needs and created a virtual model of a working concept that I will be able to use in the future."

Ota yhteyttä

Heidi Kaartinen


Jouni Vähäsöyrinki


Ajankohtaista i4.0 teknologiasiirto -aihealueelta