Siirry sisältöön
Ali Pourrahim ja Tranh Thuy Trinh kuvattuna Talonpojankadun kampuksella.

Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management

Do you want to become an expert in business management? We offer a bachelor’s degree programme that focuses on entrepreneurship and international business. During your studies, you will study professional business courses such as CRM, business law, international marketing, ERP, international economics, organizational development and global business studies – just to mention a few.

Tutkinto: Bachelor of Business Administration

Opintomuoto: Päivätoteutus

Opintojen laajuus: 3,5 years, 210 credits

Kampus: Talonpojankatu 2, Kokkola

Aloituspaikat: 19 (+15 extra via SAT round)

Haku alkaa: 08.01.2025 klo 08:00

Haku päättyy: 22.01.2025 klo 15:00

Koulutus alkaa syksyllä 2025

Opetuskieli: Englanti

Programme description

The BBA studies at Centria UAS are very practically oriented, and we will start from the basics, which means that you don’t need any previous business studies or work experience. You will study many business-related subjects, such as economics, management accounting and environmental management. You will get to know business processes related to, for example, strategic management. Your studies include courses in human resources management, and you will learn how to develop HR processes. You will also study research and development related subjects to support you in the thesis project that you will do during your last study year. You can also join different research and development projects and other customer projects, in which you can practice the skills you have learned during your studies.

You will deepen your knowledge in marketing and supply management as well as in analytical business management. You will learn many practical skills, for example how to do marketing research. You will familiarize yourself with enterprise resource planning, customer experience management and international business management. All the studies are organized in a multicultural environment since our students represent over 40 nationalities. 

The studies are conducted in English, and the teaching is organized on weekdays on our Talonpojankatu campus in Kokkola. Some of the courses are offered as online studies and the studies require some independent work. However, you will work also in groups on different projects and assignments while practising your communication and teamwork skills. 

Centria co-operates very closely with the working life. Experts visit our lectures, and we also make company visits to the companies in our area. You can also participate in some interesting real-life projects. These projects are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and perhaps get a summer job in one of the companies. The studies also include work placement periods. During the work placement, you can practice your skills in an actual work environment and also get to know potential employers. 

A bachelor’s degree in business management gives you the readiness to work in various positions. The majority of our alumni work in private companies. There is a demand for business management professions also in the public sector. In the future, you can work in sales or marketing, in development management or financial management, to mention a few possibilities. Some of our students have also set up a company, and they work as entrepreneurs. Lots of opportunities are available to business management professionals.

Additional information

You can find the curriculum here.

The teaching is organized on weekdays on our Talonpojankatu campus in Kokkola. 

The studies consist of core studies and profiling studies, work placement and a thesis project. The scope of the degree programme is 210 ECTS, and it will take around 3,5 years to finish your studies. 

Core studies 60 ECTS 

  • Orientation to studies 
  • Working life skills  
  • Job seeking and employment  
  • Language Skills  
  • Business Principles 
  • Business Management 
  • Business Processes 
  • Research & Development 
  • Work placement 

Profiling studies 75 ECTS 

  • Multilingual and multicultural environments 
  • Marketing and Supply Management  
  • Analytical Business Management  
  • Organizational Management 
  • International Business Management 
  • Work placement 
  • Bachelor’s thesis 

The thesis is a practical planning project, development project or research project. The thesis project aims to prove that you command the theories and processes related to the field of the business and can adapt them in practice. The thesis project will deepen your professional know-how and give you versatile readiness to operate in different tasks of management, marketing or financial management. The thesis project is often done as an assignment for some company, either independently or as pair work.  

The scope of the thesis is 15 ECTS.  

On the online library Theseus  all the previously completed bachelor’s theses are available for everyone. 

Centria has about 130 partner universities around the world, and you can spend a semester or a whole academic year in one of our partner universities. Centria offers three business-related bachelor’s programmes in English, and you are free to choose courses from all of the programmes according to your motivation. You can also do work placements abroad or at an international company in Finland. 

You can integrate your studies at Centria with a business degree in our specific university partners in France and China by spending one year in one of those universities. You will receive two international degrees through one programme, which is a real opportunity for you. This possibility is worth taking – especially if you want to strengthen your language skills and get international experience. 

The different internationalisation possibilities offered by our school are worth benefitting from because many companies appreciate good language and communication skills and international experience. 

The Bachelors of Business Administration have versatile employment opportunities. The graduates can work in many different positions in sales and marketing, development, financial management and general administration. Some of the Bachelors of Business Administration work as entrepreneurs. 

In the future, your potential occupational titles can be 

  • export or import manager, 
  • sales representative, 
  • marketing manager, 
  • key accountant, 
  • office manager, 
  • project manager, 
  • purchasing manager, 
  • CEO, 
  • financial manager, 
  • human resource manager and  
  • entrepreneur. 

After you have completed your bachelor’s degree and you have gained at least two years of work experience, you can apply to the master’s degree programmes at Centria UAS. Centria offers several master’s programmes in business management in Finnish and English. You can also continue your studies at a university in -Finland or abroad. 

First joint application 2025

Joint Application period is from 8 to 22 January 2025.

Centria University of Applied Sciences uses the following student selection methods during the first joint application 2024: 

International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam: 75% of study places

Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA): 25% of study places

International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam

International UAS Exam is a joint digital entrance exam of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), used for selecting students to English-conducted study programmes leading to a Bachelor’s degree.

The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study at UAS. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks.

Every applicant must submit a document of the English language skills and a valid identification document on the Studyinfo’s application form. Please check the approved documents at

Language requirements during joint application 2025

In order to be invited to the International UAS Exam and to be selected based on the International UAS Exam selection method, the applicants have to prove their English language skills either by an internationally recognized language test or previous studies. Please, check the accepted documents here.

Identification documents during joint application 2025

The applicant needs a valid, acceptable identification document to be able to participate in the International UAS Exam. Please, check the accepted documents here. (Notice: only a passport is accepted from the applicants outside EU/EEA).

Please notice: the -website will be updated before the new year for the 2025 application.

More information about admission criteria on the UASinfo website.

NB. Changes may occur.

Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA)

It’s possible to be selected through certificate-based student selection if you have: 

  • A minimum grade C in advanced English (degree programmes in the field of business and engineering)
  • A minimum grade C in advanced English and basic syllabus grade C or advanced syllabus grade A in Mathematics (degree programmes in the field of engineering)

SAT application

Applicants who in their past have completed the SAT tests (new version taken after March 2016) can also apply in our SAT application round between 1 November and 15 December 2025. Please read more information and the admission criteria here.  

How to apply

Joint application 8.–22.1.2025

While the application is open you can apply to the degree programme in Studyinfo.

Applying with SAT scores

The next application period for degree programmes conducted in English for applicants who in their past have completed the SAT tests (new version taken after March 2016), will be arranged between 1 November and 15 December 2024.

Applying during transfer application 1.-15.5.

It is possible to apply to Centria UAS during the transfer application period if a student wants to transfer from one field of study to another within Centria UAS or a student wants to transfer from another Finnish university of applied sciences to Centria.

Applying with open UAS studies 1.–30.4 and 1.–31.10.

Students who have completed studies in the Open University of Applied Sciences (UAS) may use the open UAS pathway to apply for degree student status.

Applying with an incomplete degree 1.–30.4 and 1.–31.10.

If you have studied in Centria UAS or in another university in Finland but you have not yet finished your degree, you can re-apply for the same or related degree programme to finish your degree.

Check your eligibility

The following education will give applicants eligibility to apply for Bachelor’s programmes:

  • the studies required for graduating from the Finnish upper secondary school or a Matriculation Ex-amination;
  • an International Baccalaureate (IB) degree;
  • a European Baccalaureate (EB) Diploma;
  • a Reifeprüfung (RP) or Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA) degree;
  • a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification covering 120 credits or 180 competence points or a corresponding earlier Finnish vocational degree covering at least 80 credits;
  • a Finnish post-secondary or higher vocational level diploma;
  • a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification or a further or specialist vocational qualification as a competence-based qualification, or a comparable previous qualification;
  • a foreign qualification that provides eligibility for higher education studies in the country in question;
  • Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree.

If an applicant is applying through discretionary admission, he or she is required to submit copies of certificates that he or she wishes to use, to the Admissions office of Centria UAS by (date to be published) at 3 pm Finnish time (UTC +2). Discretion only concerns an applicant’s eligibility to apply.

Student stories

  • – Kyle Curinga, Opiskelija

    I think “flexible” is the word I’d describe Centria with. I have a job and a family and it allows me to balance all the things.

  • – Ali Pourrahim, Tranh Thuy Trinh, Business Management -opiskelijat

    Thuy: In Centria and in Finland they create a good environment for me and many other students, who want to start their own businesses in Finland.

    Ali: There are so many possibilities. You have freedom to take as much courses as you are willing and can handle. You study by your personal plan

Contact information

Information about the degree programme:

Janne Peltoniemi

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