Bachelor of Engineering, Chemical Engineering
The bachelor’s degree programme in Chemical Engineering provides the student with extensive knowledge in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and excellent employment possibilities in Finland and abroad.
Tutkinto: Bachelor of Engineering
Opintomuoto: Päivätoteutus
Opintojen laajuus: 4 vuotta, 240 opintopistettä
Kampus: Talonpojankatu 2, Kokkola
Aloituspaikat: 1.joint application 11 (+15 extra via SAT round)
Haku alkaa: 12.02.2025 klo 08:00
Haku päättyy: 12.03.2025 klo 15:00
Koulutus alkaa syksyllä 2025
Opetuskieli: Englanti
Programme description
Centria University of Applied Sciences co-operates closely together with the local industries. Kokkola has the largest concentration of inorganic chemical industries in the northern countries. This means that there are various practical training possibilities, study projects and topics for bachelor’s theses available, as well as lots of work possibilities for students and graduates.
Chemical engineering studies begin with the basics, so you don’t need any previous studies or work experience from the chemistry/chemical engineering field. The studies start with core studies where, in addition to chemistry studies, you have extensive studies such as natural science and mathematics, languages, communication, finance and management. You will study chemical and process technology, which includes courses on automation technology, energy technology and plant design. Circular economy thinking, ethical responsibility, the financial orientation of the chemical industry, and the development of profitable businesses will also be part of your future expertise after you have completed your chemical engineering studies at Centria. During your studies, you get to choose whether you want to specialise in Environmental Chemistry, in Environmental Technology or in New and Traditional Fuel Production. The study programme offers the chemical and technological base for sustainable solutions and innovations for future challenges.
The studies are offered in English as full-time studies. The teaching is organised as contact teaching on Talonpojankatu Campus in Kokkola on weekdays. In addition to theory classes, your studies include many laboratory practices, where you get to apply what you have learned in practice. We have well-equipped laboratories and diverse equipment. The laboratories will become familiar to you during your studies, as you will get to do different laboratory practices with your classmates soon after you start your studies.
Centria has long traditions in co-operation with different operators in the industry. During your studies, you will have the chance to visit various companies and factories, join the classes of guest lecturers and participate in study projects offered by companies. Bachelor’s theses are also usually done for the industry. So, during your studies, you have excellent opportunities to network with work-life representatives and familiarize yourself with the actual work tasks of chemical engineers. Our students have excellent employment possibilities in our area, and many of our students get a summer job or a permanent job through a practical training, a bachelor’s thesis project or some other study project.
Additional information
You can find the curriculum here.
The engineering studies of environmental chemistry consist of core studies, profiling studies, which include specialization studies, optional studies, practical trainings and a thesis. The scope is 240 ECTS, and the length of the studies is around 4 years.
Core studies
- Orientation studies
- Mathematics
- Sciences
- Languages and communication
- Industrial Economics and Leadership
- Practical training
Profiling studies
- Chemistry
- Chemical Engineering 1 & 2
- Specialisation studies (3 options)
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Technology
- New and Traditional Fuel Production
- Optional studies
- Practical training
- Bachelor’s Thesis
You can specialise either in Environmental Chemistry, in Environmental Technology or in New and Traditional Fuel Production.
In Environmental Chemistry studies, you will dive deeper into energy and environment and environment protection. You will also familiarize yourself with wood chemistry and biotechnology. You will use Centria’s unique Chemplant pilot plant for learning new techniques.
In Environmental Technology studies, you get the chance to study environmental monitoring and cleaning techniques. You will also study the design of water and wastewater plants. You will also get to learn environmental legislation and administration.
In the specialisation option of New and Traditional Fuel Production, you will learn about oil refining and biofuel production. You will get to know process simulations and practise your skills in fuel production projects.
The bachelor’s thesis is an extensive and practical planning, development or research project that is conducted at the end of your studies. The objective of the thesis is to demonstrate that you have learned the theories and processes of chemical engineering and can apply them in practice. The aim is to deepen your expertise and provide you with diverse abilities to work in the industry. The bachelor’s thesis is usually done as a commission for a company either alone or with a fellow student. The scope of the thesis is 15 ECTS.
On the online library Theseus www.theseus.fi all the previously completed bachelor’s theses are available for everyone.
After completing the degree programme, you
- know chemistry and can apply it to industrial processes.
- know the unit operations and can scale and analyse them, and further connect them to industrial operation processes.
- have a broad understanding of environmental issues and ability to contribute with sustainable solutions.
- master the economy of production processes.
- understand ecology and the impact of industrial and domestic activity on the surroundings.
- know how to apply BAT in planning.
- can choose and scale cleaning equipment.
- can plan (individually or as a member of a group) water plants and waste water plants.
- know the legislation and administration of the environmental field.
- have sufficient language skills for engineering work in an international setting.
Internationalisation is a natural part of engineering studies. Centria has about 130 partner universities around the world, and you can go on an exchange during your studies in one of our partner universities. The exchange period can be one semester or the whole academic year. It is also possible to do a practical training abroad.
Centria’s chemical engineering students can also complete a double degree at one of our partner universities in Austria (Bachelor of Science) or France (Engineering Degree (Master) in Biotechnology). This possibility is worth taking advantage of – especially if you are interested in an international career in the field of chemical engineering or if you want to gain international experience.
We encourage you to seize the different internationalisation possibilities Centria UAS offers as many employers expect good linguistic abilities and appreciate international know-how.
At Centria, students complete a part of their studies in development projects that are carried out for different industries, so you get to network with employers already during your studies. Besides, chemical engineers have great employment opportunities, and many students get a permanent position already during their studies.
Our bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering gives you the know-how to work in different positions in Finland and abroad. Centria’s chemical engineering alumni work in different chemical engineering positions in factories and plants. Some of our alumni work in sales and technical support positions, administrative positions, and as teachers. The work possibilities are vast as chemical engineering expertise is needed in many different fields and positions.
Your future occupational titles can be
- R&D engineer
- project engineer
- production engineer
- purchase engineer
- advisor in environmental technology.
After you have completed your bachelor’s degree and you have gained at least two years of work experience, you can continue your master’s level studies in one of the Finnish universities of applies sciences.
It is also possible to continue your master’s studies in one of our partner universities in SUP Biotech (France), Åbo Akademi (Finland) and University of Oulu (Finland) that offer master’s degree programmes in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering. You can also continue your studies in some other university in Finland or abroad.
The Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius offers the possibility to study for a master’s degree in chemistry and chemical engineering.
First joint application 2025
Joint Application period is from 8 to 22 January 2025.
Centria University of Applied Sciences uses the following student selection methods during the first joint application 2024:
International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam: 75% of study places
Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA): 25% of study places
International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam
International UAS Exam is a joint digital entrance exam of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), used for selecting students to English-conducted study programmes leading to a Bachelor’s degree.
The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study at UAS. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks.
Every applicant must submit a document of the English language skills and a valid identification document on the Studyinfo’s application form. Please check the approved documents at UASinfo.fi.
Language requirements during joint application 2025
In order to be invited to the International UAS Exam and to be selected based on the International UAS Exam selection method, the applicants have to prove their English language skills either by an internationally recognized language test or previous studies. Please, check the accepted documents here.
Identification documents during joint application 2025
The applicant needs a valid, acceptable identification document to be able to participate in the International UAS Exam. Please, check the accepted documents here. (Notice: only a passport is accepted from the applicants outside EU/EEA).
Please notice: the UASinfo.fi -website will be updated before the new year for the 2025 application.
More information about admission criteria on the UASinfo website.
NB. Changes may occur.
Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA)
It’s possible to be selected through certificate-based student selection if you have:
- A minimum grade C in advanced English (degree programmes in the field of business and engineering)
- A minimum grade C in advanced English and basic syllabus grade C or advanced syllabus grade A in Mathematics (degree programmes in the field of engineering)
SAT application
Applicants who in their past have completed the SAT tests (new version taken after March 2016) can also apply in our SAT application round between 14 February and 14 March 2025. Please read more information and the admission criteria here.
How to apply
Joint application 8.–22.1.2025
While the application is open you can apply to the degree programme in Studyinfo.
Applying with SAT scores
The next application period for degree programmes conducted in English for applicants who in their past have completed the SAT tests (new version taken after March 2016), will be arranged between 12 February and 12 March 2025.
Applying during transfer application 1.-15.5.
It is possible to apply to Centria UAS during the transfer application period if a student wants to transfer from one field of study to another within Centria UAS or a student wants to transfer from another Finnish university of applied sciences to Centria.
Applying with open UAS studies 1.–30.4 and 1.–31.10.
Students who have completed studies in the Open University of Applied Sciences (UAS) may use the open UAS pathway to apply for degree student status.
Applying with an incomplete degree 1.–30.4 and 1.–31.10.
If you have studied in Centria UAS or in another university in Finland but you have not yet finished your degree, you can re-apply for the same or related degree programme to finish your degree.
Check your eligibility
The following education will give applicants eligibility to apply for Bachelor’s programmes:
- the studies required for graduating from the Finnish upper secondary school or a Matriculation Ex-amination;
- an International Baccalaureate (IB) degree;
- a European Baccalaureate (EB) Diploma;
- a Reifeprüfung (RP) or Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA) degree;
- a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification covering 120 credits or 180 competence points or a corresponding earlier Finnish vocational degree covering at least 80 credits;
- a Finnish post-secondary or higher vocational level diploma;
- a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification or a further or specialist vocational qualification as a competence-based qualification, or a comparable previous qualification;
- a foreign qualification that provides eligibility for higher education studies in the country in question;
- Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree.
If an applicant is applying through discretionary admission, he or she is required to submit copies of certificates that he or she wishes to use, to the Admissions office of Centria UAS by (date to be published) at 3 pm Finnish time (UTC +2). Discretion only concerns an applicant’s eligibility to apply.
Student stories
Contact information
More information about the degree programme:
Jana Holm
Yliopettaja, koulutusalapäällikkö (kemia)
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