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Coffee Talks in Pietarsaari

Monthly coffee talks for anyone interested in sustainable business!

6.2.2025 klo 09:00 – 5.6.2025 klo 10:00

Campus Allegro, Pitsitehdas, Pietarsari

Come over to have coffee talks!

In the spring of 2025, the GENGREEN project is organising Coffee Talks for anyone interested in sustainable business! You are welcome to network over coffee, whether you are an entrepreneur, an aspiring entrepreneur or otherwise interested in the topic.

On the first Thursday of each month, coffee events will be held at Campus Allegro in Pietarsaari as follows:

6.2. 9.00-10.00 Theme: Work life balance
6.3. 9.00-10.00 Theme: Social sustainability
3.4 9.00-10.00
30.4. 9.00-10.00
5.6. 9.00-10.00

During the Coffee Talks, we will focus on the topics that participants are most interested in and we can also arrange experts to help them with their questions.

To sign up, please contact

Johanna Österberg-Högstedt

Lehtori (liiketalous)

More information about the project:

Mira Valkjärvi
